Post news Report RSS LÖVE 0.7.0 released!

Generations have come and gone. Empires have risen and fallen. Mountains have been ground to dust by the unstoppable passage of time. But finally, through great perseverance (and a last minute save by TechnoCat), we have: LÖVE 0.7.0 - Game Slave!

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Generations have come and gone. Empires have risen and fallen. Mountains have been ground to dust by the unstoppable passage of time. But finally, through great perseverance (and a last minute save by TechnoCat), we have:

LÖVE 0.7.0 - Game Slave

0.7.0 brings lots of exciting new features. Framebuffers, for rendering to places other than the screen. Threads, for true multithreaded programming. New callbacks, like love.quit and love.focus. A text-origin change from lower- to upper-left. And about a million different bugs have been squashed! You can see everything we've done in the changelog, as seen below.

We hope you enjoy it! Go out and make beautiful LÖVE!


* Added love.thread.
* Added love.font.
* Added
* Added Source:play, Source:pause, etc.
* Added Source:isStatic().
* Added get/setPosition, get/setVelocity, and get/setDirection to Source.
* Added get/setGroupIndex to CircleShape and PolygonShape.
* Added Font:getWrap.
* Added identity field to love.conf.
* Added love.quit callback.
* Added love.focus callback.
* Added extra meter parameter to love.physics.newWorld.
* Added
* Added way to make the window desktop resolution.
* Added subtractive and multiplicative blend modes.
* Added body:getAllowSleeping.
* Added shape:getBody.
* Added love.filesystem.FileData for public usage.
* Added base64 support for love.filesystem.FileData.
* Added table support for and
* Added
* Added ?/init.lua to the loader.

* Fixed the debug module not being an upvalue of the error handlers. (you can now override debug)
* Fixed some cases when and friends, were acting on everything, not just the passed Source.
* Fixed setFixedRotation enabling other flags.
* Fixed a bug in the loader (for require).
* Fixed ParticleSystem::setSprite not retaining the new image.
* Fixed setMode removing images settings (wrapping, filters).
* Fixed shape:getBody, it's now exposed for LÖVE usage.
* Fixed DistanceJoint:getType() returning "circle" - it now returns "distance".
* Fixed SpriteBatches being unaffected by setColor
* Fixed the audio bug.
* Fixed invalid FSAA values crashing LÖVE.
* Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings.
* Fixed OS X not properly using UTIs for .love files.
* Fixed the modplug decoder not properly handeling files that fail to load.
* Fixed a memory leak in setFont.
* Fixed bug where errors in threads wouldn't get picked up by demand.
* Fixed part of the bug with newlines when scaling text (rotating still messes up the lines).
* Fixed the bug where newImageFont would try to created ImageData out of ImageData.
* Fixed error handler not resetting the blend mode.

* Changed fonts, they're now po2 safe.
* Changed the traceback in the error screen.
* Changed font origin to top-left.
* Changed linux save dir location to obey to's XDG specs. (~/.local/share/love by default.)

* Removed font functions from
* Removed love.physics.newWorld(w, h). Use love.physics.newWorld(x1, y1, x2, y2) instead.

Download links: (also available on front page and in the downloads section of the profile)

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