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We're live on Indie DB now! Here's the outline for our game, and where we are right now.

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Hey everyone! I'm proud to announce the first production of Jeff^2 Games. We've been working on it now for a few weeks and we're ready to start getting the word out about what's going on behind the scenes. So let's get started going over what's going on!

Bullet Swarm: The gameplay

The idea behind the game started with old fashion shoot'em ups, and bringing another dimension to the game, literally. We thought that the old school games could be fun in a three dimensional environment letting the waves of baddies and bullets seem that much more overwhelming.

The main gameplay behind Bullet Swarm will be protecting a complex from hordes of enemies who want nothing more than to raze the complex. Unfortunately, you are the only soldier. Fortunately, you have the Bullet Swarm prototype; a gun of huge potential. With many different routes of upgrades, you can decide how you want to play. Do you prefer huge clouds of tiny bullets, or single bullets with devastating effects? Do you want bullets that can cut through swaths of enemies, or bullets that explode on impact? The options are open, choose what you wish.

Along with being able to upgrade your gun, you can also upgrade your character to better fit your play style. We've decided that a 1 hit per life game like many of the older shoot'em ups, wouldn't fit well with this sort of game. We've decided to go for a HP system, much more like traditional FPS type games. What that means to you will depend on how you want to play. Do you prefer to have globs of health, or just reduce all damage taken? Do you prefer to be able to dodge bullets, or soak them up? Do you want to be able to regen health quickly, or get bonuses per enemy killed? Once again, you get to decide how to play.

Where we are right now

We've been working on this game for about three weeks now. We're currently still building the base engine to run the game, as well as major art assets. We're going through some major changes to some of the main art design, and hope to have that nailed down within a week. We also plan on having our first Alpha build available within three weeks. I will keep everyone posted as things change and develop around here.

That's all I got for right about now, I'll be updating this regularly. If you have a comment or question, feel free to do so.

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