Post news RSS H:OWaW Update

Brand new engine upgrades, AI teams, box art and much more!

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Hey guys - forgive us for the lack of news, we've honestly just been too busy to write a substantial update. The game is progressing very well and we're getting work done on a daily basis. We're hoping (emphasis on hoping :P) that we can get you guys something playable this winter, so keep your fingers crossed that everything goes swimmingly on that front.

So, what's new?
- AI. The AI system itself has been completely redone. Movement is much more fluid - they do more than just rush the player and they're less 'jumpy' (they'll only jump over obstacles they'll be able to clear and no longer jump over sloped terrain they are able to walk over.) AI also react to stimuli better - ducking out of the way if they take too much fire and rushing their target after they've been stuck with a grenade. We've also (like most other build components) optimized everything so AI no longer takes up a huge chunk of processing power.

- Bipeds. Older versions always had a static "player" biped which would normally be either a spartan or an elite depending on what the player chooses. This time around we've just created one biped per character in the game. Not only does this ensure that everything remains consistent between bipeds but it also means that any biped in the game can be given an AI or be player controlled if we wanted. Definitely opens some possibilities ;)

- Weapons. Adding to the list of build improvements, the weapon system was also redone. The new system makes it so a weapon is 'held' by a biped, meaning they'll act exactly the same as they would if the player were using them. AI will now reload their weapons when necessary and will become overheated. This also allows bipeds to use virtually any weapon in the game instead of just the ones we hard-coded them to use in the past.

- Teams. A common request we've been getting is to add AI teams which would allow players to put a biped on whatever faction they please (enemy Elites and Marines, allied Brutes, ect.) I'm pleased to say that your suggestions have not fallen on deaf ears. You can now choose the team of an AI placed in forge so you can design battles however you'd like. This also has it's advantages in Campaign as well allowing us to create battles between Spartans, Covenant, Flood, ect.

Of course we've done quite a bit more than what's listed above, but those are the biggies.

You may remember our promotional artist (Keith Seymour) was working on a box art for us. Well, it's finally complete and I must say it's incredible, check it out -

Lastly (and you knew it was coming :P) we'd love your support for this year's IOTY awards. We managed to place in the top 100 last year thanks to you guys and with your help we'd like to top that. Much appreciated! :)

- Appo

A51 - - 2 comments

Sounds exciting! Can't wait for next demo!

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alvarchi - - 38 comments

Excellent, I like to play the next version of the game

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NapalmNub - - 66 comments

are you the guys that made Halo Zero?

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Zorklis - - 185 comments

No they didnt make it!

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I_Love_Cat - - 98 comments

Box art looks cool, but:
*It looks very similar to the Halo Wars box art
*Wouldn't it have to be taller to fit properly on a DVD cover?

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Rampancy.Ent. - - 1 comments

you will include online multiplayer in the final version?

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allen117 - - 1 comments

whens the next update?

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