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Ladies and Gentlemen, The Gang Garrison 2 Haxxy awards are now over. Congratulations to our winners!

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Gang Garrison 2 Haxxy awards is now over.
Congratulations to our winners!

Best Non-Sprite Mod
Orpheon's Hosting Utilities (OHU) by Orpheon

Best Sprite Mod
Mechamod by Lorgan

Best Fake Update Poster
The Sexxy Update by Uberdeath
^ ^ ^
(Dem bearded beauties)

Best Gang Garrison -related Pixel art
Driver: Dirtbowl by Silly Walks

Best Video
Get Acquainted with the Rifleman by JaxOf7

Most Pwnage - Screenshot
Epic of Dirtbowl by TakaRaivo

(My personal favorite amongst the winners, community may and will disagree)

Koolest Kill Kam
Healing Dead Curly by Banana Man

Best Quotage
6 Curlys on killcam by Banana Man

Best 'Other' Screenshotยจ
Soldiwall by [KOR] Saiyu

Best Asymmetrical Map Design
cp_gravelpits by Chu

Best Asymmetrical Map Art
cp_space by OneIntervention
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(Funny thing to mention, this map was the only entry to the category.)

Best Symmetrical Map Design

Gen_Karpat by Full_Korbe

Best Symmetrical Map Art
ctf_highhut by Tankman

Special Rewards
'Best Art In Most Philosophically Metaphorical Entry' - Runner In the Mirror by A/D
'Most Obnoxious Entry Ever' - z5 by Footpop
'Best Art In Most Loosely Connected With Gang Garrison 2 Entry' - INSMod Poster by RebelINS

So there you go, seeing as we had only few entries per category,
we hope the ingame prizes, (that will be seen soon), encourage more of our players and/or fans to make an entry in case we decide to hold another haxxy contest.

Worth a try, there are rumors of ingame conzolation prizes for mere participants...

And now, special thanks to our haxxy section moderators, and to Elkondo, for being our
host, judge, executioner and if i recall right, one of the major organizers of this event.

Should i write something at end?
Gonna go play INSmod now.

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