"I am deeply sorry, but due to events beyond my control. "Genetic Science" has been cancelled. This was a hard choice, but it was unavoidable. We will be working on a new game soon though. Thank you to the 94 people who supported us through Facebook. If you would like to contact me, for example, if you got a BETA key for the game, or you want to wish me good luck, then email me at CallanC@geneticfacilities.info
Thank you all.
Callan C.
Winning Studios"
Genetic Science has officially ended. Thank you all for supporting us.
We will be making another game shortly.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Will the game and its resources become public use, theres top quality stuff here, I hate seeing models and textures wasted.
Events beyond your control? also what a_coathangar said, if you do release opengameart is a good place to put free assets
I knew it wouldn't last foreever.
Shame though really, I would've loved to see how this would've played.
This is in-correct! The game is still coming out!
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