Post news RSS First Strike Suffers Cyber Attack

Greetings Troopers! We just wanted to give you a quick update regarding the current status of the release of First Strike 1.6. It is a case of a good news and bad news story. The good news is that the release is pretty much finished and ready to go with just the last tests on a public release candidate to be performed before we're ready to get it into your grubby little mitts. The bad news is that the First Strike Forum server has suffered a sustained cyber attack by some dirty hacker...

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Greetings Troopers!

We just wanted to give you a quick update regarding the current status of the release of First Strike 1.6. It is a case of a good news and bad news story. The good news is that the release is pretty much finished and ready to go with just the last tests on a public release candidate to be performed before we're ready to get it into your grubby little mitts. The bad news is that the First Strike Forum server has suffered a sustained cyber attack by some dirty hacker which keeps bombarding our server with extremely high levels of spam which is preventing us from getting the thing back on line again. We're working on the problem, but it is quite an involved process which is now hampering production. Unfortunately the forum server is linked into the mod updating process, so we really need to get this sorted before we can release FS 1.6. The most annoying thing is that if this had happened a week later FS 1.6 would have most likely already been out the door, and this problem while still being an annoyance for sure, wouldn't have seemed quite so critical as you'd all have already got a hold of the new First Strike. This timing really sucks to say the least.

Rest assured that we're working to resolve this problem, and that as soon as we do we'll get this new content out to you ASAP. We're positively gagging to get you all playing it. So wish us luck as we tackle this dirty little hacker's handy work.

So bear with us and we'll soon...

See you on the Battlefield Troopers!

SHOGUN996 - - 973 comments

Dammit HACKER!!!/;( Good luck Guys;)!

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411Remnant - - 111 comments

Why would someone do this to you guys?

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Mirsh - - 1,776 comments

He was propably hired by EA.^^

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TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

Heh heh, I don't think we've even appeared on their radar, but who knows? I'd guess this was more likely nothing more than a random Hacker attack, though a bleedin' annoyingly timed one.

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Gexgekko - - 69 comments

Why a hacker would want to mess you? You're just mod developers helping people enjoy an awesome game... I don't get it... People sometimes sucks (sadly, most of the times)

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george76 - - 1,282 comments

we will destroy these hackers scum

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TimeshiftR - - 20 comments

People are complete jerks sometimes.

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TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

Our website is back up, so hopefully we should be able to re-establish full service soon.

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SHOGUN996 - - 973 comments

Glad to hear that:) good job guys;)!

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brodur - - 184 comments

Sounds like a DDOS which, depending on where the server is located, can be reported to the correct authorities and dealt with.

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rocknroll237 - - 553 comments

It was the BattleCry team cause we're slowing destroying the competition for world domination. :P

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TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

I suspected as much. Prepare the Superlaser. You may fire when ready.

; )

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magnumninja - - 39 comments

I hate how hackers only hack servers to steal something useful such as trying to find the files to the game. The person who hacked it is a dumba$$ for ever thinking there would be anything of use on there. I know passwords and stuff like that could be compromised but its not like it matters for a forum unless your stupid enough to not sign up on a forum using a email only for forums.

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