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Is Euro any good? Is there a solution for the European economic crisis?

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To be utterly sincere, never was a fan of something that is called "money". IMHO, this one thing is one of the direst causes of most crimes, violence, greed, etc. maybe except natural resources. At least in times of peace.

So what's is euro? Basically, it's a currency that is used throughout severel countries in Europe, geographically close, but culturally and linguistically, and economically, very different.

There is no comparison between Germany and Greece, for example. Despite the state of Germany after the WWII, and the eastern part lagging behind the western part of Germany, it is still a very rich country whose citizens can indulge themselves in travelling to foreign countries and spend much (according to the tourism statistics).

Also, countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, were grossly influenced by Soviet political supremacy, which in turn have so rank impact on their economies. What's suprising, their own currencies, in times of the global economic crisis, in fact keeps the economy relatively well compared to western countries, because there is less dependency, less pressure from other countries on these currencies.

Also, it is worth noting, populist theories and desires are also these of national core.

While some of you, Germans, are very strongly prejudiced against any form of national political regime or nationalism, nationalism in times of the European Union is well-grounded, since the EU gains more and more power over individual countries, especially after the recent Lisbon Treaty.

Returning to the main subject, the subject of currency: what about having two currencies, one general, Euro, for travelling and tourism, and the other, national one? Rather it is understandable and sure, European economics and politicians wouldn't let that happen! But what do YOU think about two binding (required/current) currencies? Could it be the never-to-be-applied solution?

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shroomman - - 882 comments

a travel-Euro lol
get serious!
And well because of historical reason nationalists are not liked in Germany: for good!
As for the Lisbon-Treaty if they would have done a poll, it would have never passed, thats the real scandal.
We need more democracy in Europe. The European parilment needs more power!
And we need to go to elections!!! If only 60 % vote, 40 % don't. That are mostly those complaining. But you can not complain if you don't vote!

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feillyne Author
feillyne - - 5,816 comments

Everybody should be rensposible... for himself and HIS OWN actions.

Can't vote for anybody who will be rensposible for matters... for me. That simply can't work. And won't.

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AirborneSn1p3r - - 3,137 comments

i dont like the idea of the USA, so i cant like the idea of the EU, the rich states are becoming poor and the poor are becoming richer, imagration is destroying the uk and ireland and with the open borders there is nothing they can do to stop it, untill we are all the one people with the one lanuage with the one over all goverment it cant work...

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shroomman - - 882 comments

Immigration will always be a problem for richer countries. The big problem is that immigrants often are exploited by organised crime, smuggling the immigrants, and making contracts with the immigrants, that make them to slaves...
But the worst of all the industry wants it like that. As long there are "cheap" workers you can hold down wages. So what we need in Europe is a all over Europe same minimum wage (I think 10€ per hour would be ok). So the worker in Romania will get the same wage as the worker in France. That is as important as a stable currency!
I think it is a scandal that a employee at McDonalds/BurgerKing here in Germany gets under 7€ wage, making him need another job, or go to the social-welfare so he/she can feed his/her family. And McDonalds&BurgerKing make high profit.
Something is really going wrong! BUT its not the currency! I would love to see a general-strike all over Europe. So the Bankers and Industrialists get a big shock! But sadly I think we are all to ignorant and egoistic after all. We don't need one language, but we need one good European Government elected by the people, not the lobbyists!!!

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Regentus - - 37 comments

the idea of minimum wage is good, but forcing the elected leaders to ensure such issues is something else entirely,nonetheless i agree with you

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AirborneSn1p3r - - 3,137 comments

it would be good to have one min wage, but we would also need to have one EU economy insted of a pile of diffrent ones or it wont work.. that is the main issue with the eu unlike the usa it has lots of factions doing there own thing.

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shroomman - - 882 comments

Yea Europe is complicated, lots of national-states trying to get their biggest piece of the cake... greedy like most of us!
Instead of figuring out what would be best for all! But as long the politicians just look for the next election, same as the managers looking at the next quarterly report, nothing will get better. But God made us Human beings egoistic. Thats why populists and nationalists have such a easy way...
And well is there a min. wage in the US?
There the capitalists formed a government that seems to be easy under control of lobbyists. Allowing to abuse nature and people. The bad news is, this is happening to Europe right now too. But maybe we have a chance to change it for good. But as long we listen to populists, telling us all of Europe is ****, we will not have the power to change anything!!!!
But as long idiots like Kaczynski and Farage have followers, I don't see any good future!

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PCSpeaker - - 4,994 comments

lol I still think that The Netherlands is the mist greedy country in Europe not because of the "greedy" name we have on our country but because of our politics, but hey thats me our opinion doesn't have to be the same ;).

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Regentus - - 37 comments

Every country has greedy people in power,even if only a few.The trouble is when there are more than just a few. I can tell. My country is having a similar problem.Still better than living under the wings of communists though...

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ricardodnpereira - - 17 comments

You guys are missing the whole issue here. It's obvious that you are some of those people which Michael Ruppert could call zombies that just came to life again. If that is the case, welcome all, but I guess you guys have a long way to investigate why the crisis exits...

First off, it doesn't matter whenever those countries have a independent currency. They are holding better alright, but what really matters is not money, as money is not a resource. What matters is raw resources, natural resources. ENERGY, to keep up stuff running.
Second, holding two currencies at the same time doesn't solve the problem. Money itself created the problem, and so, how can you expect bring a solution that caused the problem in the first place?
Even Germany is going to fall unless they change their behavior radically like everyone else...

Third, after you follow what I say, you will understand why people are greedy... They just have to, because of the irrational system we live in, otherwise, they could just collaborate with others...

Fourth, Immigration exists, because people, like every single living human needs food to survive and immigrates in the hope of a better way of living which it's own country can't support...

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ricardodnpereira - - 17 comments

So, to get you guys started, I'll leave you with some valuable information so you guys can start reflecting about this. You guys ever searched how money is created and injected in the market in the first place? Do 3 things:

First, you will understand how money is created, and how some economic, and corporal empires were created, in a very explicative way through a documentary which I highly recommend:
"Zeitgeist: Addendum"
(Zeitgeist also released another movie, "Zeitgeist: the movie", but that one doesn't matter, it's just cospirational and was built under the thesis of seeing the world through a different perspective, both the movies are free though, you can find them translated in your language very easily)
If you wish also, go to the,, select your country, and talk with the people there, they will be able to explain a lot about what is going on, and help you with information)

Direct link to Addendum:

Second, you are going to see "Collapse" (2009)...
and maybe if you wish, sign in this website, "" and access the world desk news (sorry, it's 10$ a month, but I swear to you, those are the best compilations of news that come every day, and can show you the news that really matter. News from various journals like Guardian, Times, Independent, Bloomberg, etc...) If you don't wish to sign up, I advise you to visit that website anyway, as it has a lot of free and useful content available also.
Collapse will explain why money is not the only factor behind the crisis, and that more factors may come also to affect us.

Direct link to Collapse:

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ricardodnpereira - - 17 comments

Third, forget what you see on the television. They are locked on their own paradigm, and won't tell you what really going on so early. You will understand what I say after you watch those 2 documentaries.

After that, reply to me, and put your doubts on the table, here, or in the zeitgeist movement forums, they will also be able to help you.

Good luck... and don't get too angry, you need to reach the acceptance phase...

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