Post news RSS Escalators, Metro and Cutscenes

Good day everybody and welcome to yet another update. This time around I'll be covering a variety of subjects as well as sharing some progress.

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The opening level "Crossing Streets" covered on the main page has undergone a lot of changes and is now very close to beta. The primary addition is a new building allowing for even more ways to reach your objective.

Which route will you take? Choice

This level will be followed up by level 2, ''Groceries'', which involves a large supermarket. Most of the props for this level are now finished and ready for placement. One of these objects includes a set of escalators: a first in Far Cry 3.

Escalators I'm sorry. We are closed today due to sickness.

Moving along, I've started working on the third level which will drop the player underground. This level includes a custom rapid transit system very roughly based on the Dutch LHB M3 with its hallmark metallic shininess and two by two seating arrangement.

Operation Metro

I'd also like to share an experimental video showcasing what the cinematic cutscenes might end up looking like. Using placeholder audio from Children of Men I've created a short dialog scene in preperation for future voice-over work. While not perfectly synced up this should give you a good idea what kind of animations will be involved.

Finally I'd like to answer some of the questions and remarks concerning the way Z-DAY 'works' and why I chose to start this project in Dunia rather than Cry Engine or for example Source. For those not in the know, Z-DAY combines the standard set of options available in the map editor but expands upon those by adding special weapons, cutscenes and a background soundtrack with ambient sound effects. I'm also incorporating dozens of custom models. These assets have specifically been created in the Dunia engine so recreating this campaign in a different engine would be like starting allover from scratch. Consumerlevel Dunia offers enough options to achieve what we are trying to do so at this point there's no convincing reason to switch engines.


I'm leaving you with a concept build for one of the later levels, showing what will follow once you do manage to escape the crowded city in one or more pieces. I won't be holding your hand here: you're gonna have to find a way through yourself.

That pretty much covers everything we've got so far. However, if you're interested in seeing more or taking part in closed alpha playtests, feel free to leave a comment in the forums.

Thanks a lot guys! Mauro aka GCVos checking out!

s2601d - - 84 comments

Great idea but if you wan't make like zombie mod
Its just my idea you better make other Zombies models cause this looks like crazy people in masks

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GC_Vos Author
GC_Vos - - 207 comments

Haha yes I agree but I can't change those models. I'd either need an extreme amount of modding knowledge or dev control. And I don't control the source code. ;)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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