After months of grueling work, we're proud to announce the launch of Desura Linux beta! The initial testing group is quite small but will grow as we eliminate bugs and are happy with the applications stability. To be fair we will be inviting people in order, so those who requested access to the beta 6 months ago (thanks for your patience!), you will be first in. Once our testers are happy, we will be opening the beta to everyone. Of course it is never too late to apply for the beta, to do so simply join the Desura group here.
Also please note that while you can browse and buy games on Linux, you wont be able to download and play them until you have access to the beta. So PLEASE bear that in mind!
Thanks again to everyone for all the positive (and negative) feedback so far - we welcome the challenge and know the real work is only just beginning. Special thanks to Tim Jung for testing and uploading Linux games like a machine, and to Marshall Greenblatt and the other CEF contributors for the great work. We've got plenty more games coming, some never before on Linux, so much to look forward to.
Finally this is a beta, so we appreciate your understanding that there will be bugs and issues to resolve and we will endevour to address them as soon as we can.
New Information:
- 22nd Sept 2011: A new build is out with MANY fixes. If you couldn't get past login, or don't want to wait, just run "./desura -f" to force your client to update to it (without the quotes of course, and from the desura directory, not from desura/bin/)
- 22nd Sept 2011: Starting the next round of invites as well
Known Issue Notices:
These are issues we are aware of and currently working to address (last updated 22nd Sept 2011):
- On some systems there will be a lot of console output about GDK_IS_WINDOW assertion
- Sometimes exiting the client will result in a crash
When we release an update, you'll be notified above
Bugs and Issues:
Please report any bugs or issues on the forums.
Most bugs and help information is now being posted here .
Invites will start to slowly be sent in 24hours time, while we crunch through remaining bugs. Looking forward to opening up to everyone in a few weeks!
Will be keeping the news fairly low key until we are convinced it all works dandy
how do you request a linux beta invite?
Will we know via email if we receive a beta invite?
Hi I have desura installed on my Puppy Linux lapdog just waiting for beta keys now, fingers crossed.
Awesome, looking forward to it.
Awesome, I am hoping to grab a copy to play with at some point mate ;)
:D Fantastic!
Woo! Can't wait! Although I'll have to - I don't think I applied for the beta (just joining the Desura group is enough?).
It's going here! :p clicked it as soon as i saw the penguin.
At the moment other than not having a "save login" and being unable to buy games it's working perfectly well for a beta. Tested it in Gnome 3, KDE 4.7 and Openbox, no big issues (apart from KDE has a messed up login box at first).
Great job all who worked on it, gonna have fun testing this. You guys deserve a big grats from everyone, plus a few beers :p
Ah dang, got excited when I clicked on "Install Game" for one of the Linux games and it let me download and install the client.
Turns out you can't login unless you're on the Beta list. Well, I can at least report that the download/installation went well on Linux Mint 11 (Gnome) :D
you don't have a 64 bit system, do you? Because for me on a 64 bit arch the installation is not working.
Oops, didn't mention architecture - running on 64bit Linux Mint 11 on a Core i7 (920 I think), ASUS Sabertooth X58 MB, Gigabyte GTX 570 & 12 GB Ram (if it matters).
What is the exact error you are getting when you try and install the Desura client?
Logins are not effected by what architecture you are running. I am running Ubuntu 11.04 AMD64 on an AMD quad core system and I don't have a problem with the login.
32 bit applications are not supported on 64 bit systems and vice versa. Some distributions (such as Ubuntu) put both the 32 and 64 bit libraries into the 64 bit version (this is called a multilib system). Other distros (Slackware, Arch) do not have the 32 bit libraries in the 64 bit version.
Same consideration for Ubuntu 10.10, downloand and installation of Linux client works like a charm.
Waiting to join the beta...
Good work Desura :)
I'm unable to get the installer past 72% in Fedora 15 (x86) running Gnome 3.
The error generated is: "Download and install Desura failed: Could not open file /desura for updating. Sys Code: 21 [7.0]"
this should be resolved now, so i've deleted the comment thread below (will undelete if it still occurs). thanks guys for your assistance debugging!
AWESOME!!! Can not wait. Thanks so much for supporting Linux. Signed up to Desura just a week or two ago in anticipation of the release.
Great news!
No problem on Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit.
Downloaded, installed and waiting for a beta key or the open access!
On Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits, i needed to move it to a folder without any accents (like é è à), or it will not launch.
But download and install works well with accents in the folder name.
Hi CrazyLapinou,
Thanks for letting us know there's a problem with unicode characters.
I've filed a ticket for it and we'll be resolving it ASAP.
I tried to launch it in Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 3 64 bits, with VirtualBox and i get this error twice in a window:
'Can't load image from file '/home/.../Téléchargements/desura/data/desura.png'
When i press OK, Desura starts.
Rename your not latin directory Téléchargements to latin chars and try run desura again.
thank you you just solved my problem
Thanks, this would be a great launch for Linux . BTW, Desura works for libre games too, no more time waiting for a repo sync for new games, even with a rolling release distro like Arch Linux or Debian Sid :D :D .
Yay, writing my first comment from within Desura :D
Everything I tested worked and looked good so far, installing games works, even launching for some of them :D
Good work :D. Now just need mac version then will be sorted :D.
The website side is entirely done, however the app porting work hasn't begun. So not difficult in theory, but time consuming and Linux is our #1 at this point.
Install works great on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit. Just waiting to get beta access!!!! Exciting!
EDIT: This wasn't supposed to be a reply, but since it is: Thats awesome that you guys have your priorities right. =P
Downloaded, installed and played Trine on Kubuntu 11.04, KDE4.7, AMD64 - works great, no errors :]
Very pleased to hear that, already are aware of about 10 bugs, which we are working through.
Works fine here too,
XIO: fatal IO error 21 (Is a directory) on X server ":0.0"
after 122291 requests (122284 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
desura: ../../src/xcb_io.c:549: _XRead: Assertion `dpy->xcb->reply_data != ((void *)0)' failed.
Ubuntu 10.04
xserver-xorg 1:7.5
2.1 Mesa 7.11
sorry it's my fault
How'd you manage that?
omg this is so great!!!! finally someone is paying attention to Linux gamers... :D
omg much love thanks alot.!
This is will a new beginning
This is so ******* cool! Praying for beta access :)
Arch 64 user here, everything runs fine. Installed and tested some games from the Humble pack and they work great. Time for bug hunting!
I don't have beta access yet (only just joined the Desura group) but I downloaded the installer anyway. That worked fine.
When I try to run the Desura launcher, I get the following:
include/SharedObjectLoader.h:75 - Error loading library ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
I'm using Arch Linux 64-bit. (I note that I do have 'libjpeg-turbo' and 'lib32-libjpeg-turbo' installed on my system). Also, after extracting from the Ubuntu package 'libjpeg62' ( and putting that into ~/desura/lib/, the login screen apprears.
There is AUR package for libgpeg6
Same situation/system. "yaourt -S libjpeg6" fixed the problem for me. It also demanded "libpng12" from me, thought.
Login screen appears, but no matter what I type in - desura crashes with a dialog (same as 'bin/crashdlg'). Exeption is when the password field is empty - then it asks to type in password/username. Empty user name field doesn't prevent crash. I have no access to beta, but it doesn't look like that's the cause.
It also crashes in a same way after clicking on "Offline Mode" and when I press "Send"-button in "Lost Password" dialog. After pressing "New Account" login dialog just closes.
Yeah, I also had the and errors on 64-bit Arch. Sorted by installing the respective packages from AUR. Thanks guys!
Edit: I think I might also be getting the same crash dkanus is getting upon trying to log in. I'll investigate!
Hey, where is the best place to report these bugs/errors/solutions? I'm getting the following error in the terminal when I try and log in / close the window:
Gtk-WARNING **: /home/sam/desura/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
I am going to guess that is something unique to your distrobution since I don't have that installed and the client works fine here. What distro are you running so I can make a VM to test it.
It looks like on your system the help package is trying to load, which is requiring doxygen, which is requiring a newer libstdc++.
What are the exact steps to reproduce this, and what is your system configuration (mainly distribution and architecture)?
Arch linux, x86_64.
What I did: 1) Unpacked "desura" into "~/Games"
2)Launched it. Installation successful.
3)On launch of 'desura' there were errors about "libpng" and "libjpeg".
3')If libraries fixed - it launches login dialog and crashes when some buttons pressed as I described.
I've installed "libstdc++5 3.3.6-4" and "doxygen", but the errors remained.
And I forgot the error message from console:
Saving crash report to: /home/dkanus/Games/desura/cache/crash_log.txt
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr
./desura: line 41: 31528 Aborted bin/desura $ARGS
-It's the same for all errors, with exeption for "New Account" one.
-Number 31528 always different.
-'crash_log.txt' now contains a lot of this:
Tue Sep 20 12:50:21 2011
Uploaded crash dump: [/tmp/4fb392b6-c569-1226-45a87941-5593c10e.dmp]^M
Prepared crash dump to: [/tmp/4fb392b6-c569-1226-45a87941-5593c10e.dmp.bz2]^M
-I uploaded the dump here:
My situation is very similar to dkanus (although I haven't tried installing doxygen yet, I'll try that tonight once I'm home). I'm running 64-bit Arch, and had to install libpng and libjpeg. I already have libstdc++ installed and up-to-date (although I can't remeber the version). The log in window appears when running the executable, but closing the window or attempting to login will crash the application with the liboxygen-gtk error message I posted above. (This error is caught and opens another dialog asking if I'd like to restart).
Thanks for looking into this! ..I'm sorry Arch might be a tricky distrobution to throw into VM for testing, because it requires quite a bit of tinkering and setting up! Appreciated.
Not only Arch. GenToo is hit by the same problem too. Granted GenToo is also not an easy distribution to support with a binary blob.
I've been told that installing lsb-release should fix it on Arch. Give that a go.
I think that error message is even simpler. Some part of the Desura application is using GTK. Saxcore is running either in KDE or has set his theme to use the port of KDE's oxygen theme. When trying to load the theme, its trying to fndi a newer version of libstdc++ then Desura has, but his system copy is probably new enough. I don't think it necessary to ship a version of libstdc++ unless you are using a very new version that most users won't have (like the one from gcc 4.6).
Hey MJD! Well spotted. For some reason I was unable to unset that GTK theme, so in the end I just removed the oxygen-gtk package and I'm now beyond that error and getting the same std::out_of_range that other Arch users are getting. Thanks for the help!
Gtk-WARNING **: /home/sam/desura/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
On Ubuntu 64bit, using the system library no problem found (and correctly render the oxygen theme):
cd /path/of/desura/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/