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The destruction of Dormand Kaas by the Defender of the Core

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In an act of vengeance against the Sith for there slaughter of innocents across the Galaxy, The Republic's newest superweapon, the Defender of the core, destroyed the Sith world of Dormand Kaas. Sith forces in orbit above the planet were taken completely by surprise and destroyed instantly by the enormous vessel's gun batterys. Rest assured, this will not be the only planet to face Republic vengeance.

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Johnyboy1{S1TH} - - 1,428 comments

I knew it . the republic has became an empire .

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

I agree the Jedi wouldn't allow such death.

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Airaviper Author
Airaviper - - 563 comments

Are you kidding me? Dormand Kaas had no civilian population. It was a purely military target, it's not like we go around slaughtering civilians for fun.

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AK151 - - 5,600 comments

Nope. Just planets.

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Johnyboy1{S1TH} - - 1,428 comments

i am constructing a superweapon that can wipe out an entire fleet with one shot .

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Airaviper Author
Airaviper - - 563 comments

We already have one. The Defender of the Core is equipped with gravity bomb

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Ten10dix - - 6,421 comments

Your primitive gravity bombs do not scare me. The Force is a powefull thing Airaviper... Your bombs would be sensed by me and destroyed before even reaching my fleet. Destroy all the planets you want. Know this, even the Sith shall not go down to your level. Destroying a planet? Even with no civilians, that is an act only a corrupt and (as many would say) "evil" man would do. So by all means, destroy every Sith planet (inhabited or not) you find. Just don`t expect me to show any mercy whatsoever to any Republic soldiers or civilian that stands in my way.

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Airaviper Author
Airaviper - - 563 comments

How can you destroy my gravity bombs? They travel through hyperspace. And this is an act of vengeance for all the civilians you have killed. You have bombarded planets to the point were they are uninhabitable. You have slaughter countless innocents. I think I am a few levels above you thank you very much.

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Ten10dix - - 6,421 comments

I did what you did. You devastated Elom who, although the poplulation preffered the Sith, were neutral in the conflict. At least I targeted Republic planets. And the Force isn`t to be underestimated. Using a gravity bomb big enough to destroy a fleet will severly damage the planet. Therefore all I have to do is stay near a "innocent" planet and am protected. Unless of course, you wish to slaughter millions... And if you do decide that, then I can just stop the blast with the Force. I can envelop the bomb in darkness, stopping it completly. Your gravity bombs are useless now.

Btw, I only bombarded Cardia to a wasteland. You have destroyed Dormand Kass and Elom. The others were only bombarded lightly to show them that you cannot protect the galaxy. And it seems I was right for instead of protecting you are destroying. How amusing.

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Airaviper Author
Airaviper - - 563 comments

We destroyed the capitol of Elom! Not the entire planet! And that was because the civilians were fanatical to there devotion to the Sith, and were attacking the scout partys we sent down! And we CAN protect the galaxy! The next time one of your fleet approaches any system, you bet we will be there. Armed and ready.

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Johnyboy1{S1TH} - - 1,428 comments

i know where you build your hammerhead cruisers and your Aurek-class tactical starfighter .

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Keeper-Orsaa - - 517 comments

there is more than one place where republic ships are built and this place will not be destroyed by sith.

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Ten10dix - - 6,421 comments

You devasted the Capital of Elom (holding nearly half the population) JUST because a there were a few rebels? Wow... You should rename your group "Galactic Empire Mark 2" >.<. And you cannot protect the galaxy. Everytime we have attacked your forces have been beaten back. I shall now demonstrate my power by attacking 3 planets 1 after the other. Let us see if you CAN defend the galaxy.

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Airaviper Author
Airaviper - - 563 comments

THE ENTIRE POPULATION WAS! Indeed. I shall be there, armed and ready.

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Ten10dix - - 6,421 comments

Be where? I didn`t see you at Kamino, which has been taking after a bloody slaughter of your troops on the surface after a refusal to surrender (The natives were not slaugtered, just your troops) and a pathetic attempt to defend the space above the planet.

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Airaviper Author
Airaviper - - 563 comments

If the planet is uninhabited and has a major Sith military presence, you damn well bet we're going to destroy it.

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Tharnis - - 231 comments

Lol. I can`t believe you actually say you "protect" the galaxy... Whats your definition of "protect"? If it`s "Destroying planets with weapons of mass destruction and I don`t give a hell about the consequences. Sith were on the planet, it dies. `Nuff said" then you protect the galaxy EXTREMLY well lol.

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AK151 - - 5,600 comments

Good god, just like the Vorlons and the Shadows. Your way or death.

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~Avenger~ - - 805 comments

Dormand Kass is purly a military target, I think the Admiral made a wise choice, and no we are not becoming an empire.

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Ten10dix - - 6,421 comments

You destroyed a Planet. You ARE becoming the Empire. They destroyed Alderaan. But before they did they destroyed an unhabitited planet (I think, can`t remember though). Us Sith would never destroy a planet. It would be pointless.

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~Avenger~ - - 805 comments

Dantooine? Desprate times call for desprate measures, we would never harm a civilian NEVER. But if destroying a planet with no civilians and just pure sith will save lives then we will do it. Let us ot forget that the emperor made the death star for that purpose, a SITH LORD. And nithilos and Malak, destroyed entire worlds and they were sith. Truth is that the sith would do what ever to get what they want, and what they want is total victory...

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Ten10dix - - 6,421 comments

Elom was full of innocent civilians. They might have liked the Sith more than the Republic, but I can use the same arguement. I bomned Correlia cause they like the Republic better than the Sith ect. Malak was a madmen, Nilhius was an extreme Sith and Palpatine was a great sith but stupidly thought he could scare the galaxy into surrendering its will. He was wrong. Your arguement is invalid for we are new Sith, not those of old. And you to want totla victory, you destroyed a planet (no civilians on it or not) which is just pure destruction. You also bombarded Elom, A NEUTRAL PLANET (who cares if they supported us more? They were NEUTRAL, you hear me? NEUTRAL!!!)

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Keeper-Orsaa - - 517 comments

finally, this planet is what caused revan to betray us at last it is destroyed.

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Build_a_Canal - - 134 comments

Ehm..It's Dromund Kaas...

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