Post news RSS DEAL SHOW–We find amazing result in vr products

The three-day DEAL SHOW successfully lays down its curtain. The fast–growing virtual reality products is estimated to day sale of millions of yuan, according to our sales staffs.

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The three-day DEAL SHOW successfully lays down its curtain. The fast–growing virtual reality products is estimated to day sale of millions of yuan, according to our sales staffs.


Small wonder , many companies are keen to make customers from all over the world demand for such breakthrough products is offering a new way for people to entertain themselves. Therefore , it is reported by presses with high coverage.


For instance, we have come to agreements with some clients on the spot. One of our partners said he would likely impact the VR business and there could be changes to amusement industry.
With the rapid development of intelligent gaming industry, NINED stands out as one of the key manufacturing vr facilities, is reportedly to able to produce our own brand products and up to 100 movies per year. We hope to prove techniques for makers win its glory in the global VR sector.


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