Post news RSS Brutally Honest Review: Sven Co-op

This is the brutally honest review for Sven Co-op. Sven is a name in many languages. In Old Norse, it means Young Warrior. Oh, and there is Co-op too. Yea.

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Sven Co-op is one of those games that hold a special place in my heart, inbetween the almost sucky and the perfect. Don't worry, this review isn't going to be as negative as you think. Let's get started!

The graphics on Sven are pretty much the same as the original Half-Life, but this does not really matter. Despite the somewhat boxy models and such, detailed animations and the plethora of enemies will keep you busy enough to not notice these. (I am a critic, I HAVE to notice it.)

Gameplay is like Half-Life's. Excellent. The ability to play through titles such as Half-Life or They Hunger with other players is a certain times. There is that occasional online jerk that thinks it is fun to hinder everyone else's fun. But that is not really the games fault, so back on topic.

The sound is good. There are very realistic sounding guns, and the monster voices are great too. However, sometimes there is too much stuff going on, and this can be a real nuisance. Still, mappers and modders do a great job with their sound and level design, e.g. are richard_boderman, escape_series, and many more.

Playability is EXTREMELY HIGH. Each experience is different, even if you play the same map 3 times in a row. The interesting characters that visit the servers guarantee this.

Honestly, Sven is not that original.There have been many Cooperative games in the past, but Sven offers one thing different, Half-Life. You can't argue with Half-Life. (You really can't. It's not a person.)

I give Sven Co-op a 4 out of 5.

Mr.John - - 1,570 comments

Old Norse is also called Rune.
I am from Norway :P

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Psychedelic_Snake Author
Psychedelic_Snake - - 68 comments

Interesting! I feel like I added 1 point to my IQ! (Currently 1.9)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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