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This application is the same as our main site as well so make sure to use this.

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Take Your First Steps Upon the Path of the Army of Light!

Welcome to the Army of Light Application Center. If you would wish to join, please create an application here. Before you sign up on our official site ( you must first complete this form.
Please copy and paste the questions below into a new topic thread in Application Center.
Entitle your thread as "[insert your character name]'s Application".

When finished, your application will be reviewed by the Recruitment Council. If accepted, please register on our site and then contact an Army of Light staff member to approve your account.

note that applications that lack refinement, full answers, feel rushed,
and/or contain numerous typos are likely to be rejected.

As with all things, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

Good luck and thank you for your interest in the Army of Light!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


1. Character Name (this will be your name on the site and forums):*

2a. Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, or Trooper):*

2b. Advanced Class (if decided):*

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The more detailed the better, please: *

Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more
than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your
last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used
more than one name, please list them all.*
Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies):

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.*

6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit for you?*

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific.*

8. Age* (Must be 16+ - only truly exceptional Applications from sub-16 year olds will be considered):

9. Time Zone:*

experience/expectations. Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing
you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give
us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are
looking for, etc.*

11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please include any skills or talents you have that you would
enjoy doing within the guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous experience?*

12. How do you define a quality member?*

13. How did you find the Army of Light? Did someone recruit you? If so, please let us know who.*

you visited our website and chat room, and familiarized yourself with
the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct? (You must answer
in the affirmative and please prove that you have)*

14b. Do you
pledge to fulfill them, most notably to uphold the virtues of Maturity,
Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama?*

14c. The Army of Light wishes to have members who take the concept of Commitment and Loyalty very
seriously. By applying and if accepted, you are taking an Oath to both
the guild and your guild-mates here. Is this something to which you can

15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of
Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of
these four words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why
you think you possess these qualities.*

16. Tell us about a time
you offered assistance to someone who did not ask for it but clearly
needed it. If you have never had this experience, tell us what you would do if faced with that situation?

Role-play Scenario (please tell us how you would handle the situation):
You are leading a group of 3 others through a forest on a remote moon
to destroy an enemy communications relay. Up ahead in a clearing, you
happen to spot a small Sith camp. Your group has not yet been spotted by
the enemy. You are reasonably well supplied for your mission, including
armaments. The clearing containing the Sith camp is not necessarily in
your direct path to reach your original mission objective. Attacking the
camp could alert the guards at the relay. However, attacking the relay without first dealing with the camp could mean enemy reinforcements from the camp. What do you do?

In more than 50 but less than 200 words, please describe your personal
character and the type of person you are (We wish to get a good feel of
the type of person that will be becoming a part
of our guild family - a very important question!)*

19. Tell us a little about your in-game character*
-Character Name:
-Character Physical/Mental Features:
-Character Biography:

20. What is your registered user name on* (Please note that you should have applied at our Guild HQ as a part of this Application process by this point.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once again, please copy and paste the application section into a new topic under Application Center.

more detailed and specific you are in your application, the better we
can learn about you. Please take your time and fill out every question
thoroughly. Appropriately lengthy and well thought out answers and proper grammar and spelling count very heavily. The Recruitment Council
will review it and let you know their decision within 48 hours. Please
periodically check back on your application thread for updated
information. Please note that while we prefer those 16 years of age and
older, exceptions can be considered for outstanding Applications and
interaction with the guild. Thank you and good luck!

(This Application was last updated by Grand Master Jephos Mispir on 5/5/2011.)

~The Army of Light Recruitment Council~

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