Hello there friends! Long time since last update eh? Don't worry, we haven't died, in fact quite the opposite. Over the past month we have made tons of progress in all the areas of the project.
Our model and texture artists are finishing up work on the terrain objects for the Goldmoor region of Hammerfell. The region will be flat and grassy in many areas, with swamps and bogs in the southern areas that border the rivers. Work is also well underway on the tileset that will be used to create Rihad and Taneth. The gallery here at ModDB has been updated with pictures of some of our new models.
In other news, interiors for Hammerfell today opened up for claiming, starting with the Oblivion dimension interiors. Tamriel Rebuilt will be using the Quagmire realm of Oblivion instead of Mehrune's realm. Quagmire is the realm of Vaernima, whose sphere is the realm of dreams and nightmares, so you can expect these to be loads of fun. Exterior claims for the border regions have also opened up. The claims include the border forts and passes that connect Cyrodiil to Hammerfell.
Another area that has been worked on extensively is the Redguard culture. Sload recently started writing a guide to the Yoku language that is used by many Redguards even to this day. It is of course based mostly on the existing Yoku language (previously seen in TES: Redguard) it is also influenced by a variety of native African languages. We are very proud of the current developments, as they help to preserve Tamriel Rebuilt's linguistic status (we developed a Dunmer language for Morrowind).
Stirk is also being brought to completion. Objects that were missing from the beta release have now been added to OoT, and reported errors have been fixed. Quests are currently being finished up, and we hope to have a final release soon!
Well, I hope that you enjoyed this little update and hope to see you again soon. In the meantime, feel free to drop by and ask any questions you have on the forums.
Regards from Tamriel Rebuilt
Nice work... great skins, cool modeling... keep up the impressive work... can't wait to see old snake head skinned!....
I like that knife
Wicked sick
nice knife good work continues
make her boobs bigger, jsut for the fun of it