Post news RSS Alien Arena moving forward.

Our recent release of Alien Arena was a major success, and our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who gave the latest version a try and certainly to all of the people over the years that have contributed, be it from making suggestions to digging into the code and getting their hands nice and dirty. We would be nowhere without the community! Since our release there have been a number of updates to our SVN repository.

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Our recent release of Alien Arena was a major success, and our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who gave the latest version a try and certainly to all of the people over the years that have contributed, be it from making suggestions to digging into the code and getting their hands nice and dirty. We would be nowhere without the community! Since our last release there have been a number of updates to our SVN repository. Perhaps the most signifigant work has been Emmanuel "Blackice" Benoit's UI revamp, which currently rests in a temporary branch until nearer completion. Another major change is that the portion of the renderer that renders bsp surfaces has been completely gutted once again, with some optimizations that resulted in a 35- 50% increase in framerates from version 7.50! We are very excited about this, as it really allows a larger number of players to run the game on it's highest settings. For some more information(and proof) of these gains, you can visit this thread on our forums.

As always we are working to improve our content, and some of the "2k8" series of maps are starting to feel the wrath of our brush strokes. Dm-dismal is the first of these map revamps, and pictures below can show just how things are looking now.

Dm-dismal remake Dm-dismal
Dm-dismal Dismal remake

Dm-dismal is near completion, with some optimizations being worked on that will make it even faster than the less detailed original. Next up - Dm-violator is getting a complete, ground up remake! More to come....

TheHappyFriar - - 520 comments

As usual, impressive! It's amazing how you keep advancing the engine you started with Q2 years ago. It's one of the most impressive engines based off it I've seen & yet nobody else uses it!

Especially for a SP game! (IE like a new SP version of Code Red. :D :D )

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Magrathean - - 87 comments

Congrats on a great release, love bombing around AA and having fun :)

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