Post news RSS Added currency and vendors

Implemented Vendors, buying and selling, currency drops from creatures and usable and consumable items in Legends of strife.

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Our next focus was vendors and with that currency to buy things with.

Most humanoid creatures will drop currency. The currency is copper, silver and gold. 100 copper makes 1 silver and 100 silver makes 1 gold. Your gold will be displayed on your inventory screen.

Certain NPC can now have a "show me your wares" option with a little money bag next to it. The NPC interaction screen has been tweaked to elegantly show all text and NPC options like quests and vendors.

The vendor screen should be fairly intuitive, You right click on an item to buy it and it'll go to your inventory. To sell items you can right click on them in your inventory.

To complement the buying and selling of items we decided to add consumables and usable items. For consumables we added a minor heath and mana potion and tough bread. The potions share a cool down of 2 minutes. The tough bread will give you a buff that increases your health regeneration but the buff will come off if you attack, cast a spell or are attacked. We also added a Trinket called "Wind Sliver" that will increase your speed by 50% for 4 seconds.

Remember, you can get the game here or let the game (exe) patch itself by running it.

yahiko24 - - 48 comments

nice :)

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