Post news Report RSS Actual pictures from Call of duty 2

In the last time we have been busy on working for the Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer. Even if IW have not released a "sdk" or gave us something like support we were able to make much progress. The weapons are now in the realistic GFM stile and we already imported our Class System into Call of

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In the last time we have been busy on working for the Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer.

Even if IW have not released a "sdk" or gave us something like support we were able to make much progress.

The weapons are now in the realistic GFM stile and we already imported our Class System into Call of Duty 2.

Hier klicken für Grossansicht Hier klicken für Grossansicht

The medic and officers are back in action.

Hier klicken für Grossansicht Hier klicken für Grossansicht

And the officer can call Artillery.

Hier klicken für Grossansicht Hier klicken für Grossansicht

And the target area can get marked by a flare or a special icon with server settings.

Hier klicken für Grossansicht

The Rank System that we all liked in UO is back too.

Hier klicken für Grossansicht

And as a special delicacy we have the worlds first custom Playerskin for Call of Duty 2!
To give variety we added a Waffen SS Skin to some Call of Duty 2 Maps.

Hier klicken für Grossansicht Hier klicken für Grossansicht

Hier klicken für Grossansicht Hier klicken für GrossansichtHier klicken für Grossansicht

Special thanks gos to GER-Iceman who helped us with the iwi files.

Lets hope that IW will release their "sdk" soon and we can start working on the Maps.

And soon we will lunch our new homepage with more information to the SinglePlayer mode.

I also want to add that we are still searching for new members.
Please contact me( if you are a mapper, (SP) scripter, modeller or skinner and want to help us making a never seen before German SP campaign and a successor of one of the most popularest Mods for COD:UO.

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