From Loki's Missions and Mr. White (Barney Rubble), the creators of The Xeno Project 1 & 2 and Nuclear Winter for Half-Life, comes a brand new single player adventure. Welcome to Mars is a single player mod for Half-Life 2 / Episode 2. You must have Half-Life 2, plus Half-Life 2 Episode 1 and Episode 2 installed in order to play Welcome To Mars. There are 19 brand new levels as well as multiple custom voices, sounds effects, music tracks, models, skins and textures. The story is set on Mars in 2157 and is not related to the Half-Life universe in any way. Welcome To Mars contains a familiar cast of characters though. You play as Gordon Freeman, embarking on a mission that only someone with your particular skill-set can handle. Expect the unexpected, as things start to go awry pretty quickly.

RSS Reviews

Oldmerc says

Agree Disagree

Very well made,unique looking
SF themend medium length campaign. Saving Kleiner is a
bit to tight imho. One can save
him only by chance even in medium


Serious_Samsung says

Agree Disagree

The setting of this mod is definitely the highlight considering the title. Voice acting and plots leave a lot to be desired. The enemy placements are mostly repetitive as it drags on. Overall, a decent experience that I'll never play it again.


AVideoCamera says

Agree Disagree

The mod is good. one issue - The enemies placement is total dogshit, literally HDTF when it first came out.


lj4linux says

Agree Disagree

WOW! Downloaded this morning and finished a few minutes ago. A thousand times WOW! If one enjoyed Loki's missions will love this mod too. Thanks man!
I had to make some... "adjustments" to play it on Linux - fake install with WINE (just to extract the mod), add a "bin" folder (with and copied from source sdk) and change the gameinfo.txt. So, Linux users: IT WORKS AS EXPECTED


xxX_DarkUriel_Xxx says


Fast_Train says


LGSC says