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-dead- 'The Mafia II' is about a guy named Tom that is forced to kill people for the Mafia. He's doesn't like it and he secretly works for the police whitout the Mafia knowing it.. One day they find out and Tom's live is in danger. Tom jump in to a car and is getting chased by the Mafia. How will this end? You will see it when 'The Mafia' is released. The estimated release date is June 2004. There will be 1 download that includes: *New weapons *New maps *New Player Skins *New HUD *New sounds *New textures And... *NEW SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIN There will be some beta-tests soon... For more information about 'The Mafia' go here: Mafia website: TMT Thread: Mafia Member Skin: Screenshots: Bye, DaRKaNGeL

RSS Reviews

SuperRad says


.DaRKaNGeL. says


Strumfy says


chawin007 says