LOTR-TW is a Total Conversion for Alexander TW based on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, focused to recreate the epic battles seen in the movies. It has a complete Middle Earth map, fully customised cities like Minas Tirith and Helm's Deep on Battle and Campaign map, a set of Historical Battles where you can play all the major and minor battles that take place in the trilogy, and a quest line for the Free-People's campaign where, if the player succeeds, will take the Ring-Bearer from Hobbiton to the wasteland of Mordor in an attempt to save the world from its doom.

Also_known_as_Peter says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

As much as I might be a fan of KingKong's work in Third Age - Total War, I must say that Lord of The Rings - Total War for Rome TW is the true experience LoTR and strategy fans. Everything I saw while playing fascinated me, from the beasts of Middle-Earth employed in combat to the astonishing models and textures. I recommend this to anyone who likes LoTR and even to anyone who is a fan of the Total War series.