It was a simple mission: Reconnect the communications and bring the abandoned portion of Aperture to life. But, after turns of fate and paranormal events, you are thrown into the dark past of Aperture Science. What was once locked away will now return. This is Test Gemini, an upcoming portal 2 mod that will be a fusion of puzzle and psychological horror gameplay. Featuring a completely original soundtrack, a tense, dark, story line, and new visual themes, Test Gemini will bring a new genre to the portal 2 mod base. Faced with supernatural challenges, you must navigate the crumbling facility with new original characters and gameplay mechanics. But as the light slowly dies, will you survive the past?

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What do you think? (Games : Portal 2 : Mods : Test Gemini : Forum : What do you think?) New Thread
Story RoyBerardo Secret_Coming - read

Aug 10 2014


What do you think the game or story will be like? Post your ideas here!