Inspired by TES II: Daggerfall and set after King Lysandus death at the battle of Cryngaine Fields, this mod is centered around the Iliac Bay, allowing you to visit northern Hammerfell and all of High Rock, where you can either help one of the breton and redguard kingdoms to aquire hegemony or to carve your own domain in the province.

Report RSS FAQ for Struggle for the Iliac Bay

Frequently asked question for the mod. Please read before posting!

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Q) Why is this an alpha?
A) Because not everything i wanted to include is in. The campaign should be fully playable, but things like companions and claimants are still very much work in progress and will be completed in future updates. Balance is also in need of a lot of tweaking as well as stability. All in all, with my free time being much more limited, I opted to release the mod as is instead of letting it gather dust in my hardrive for divines know how long.

Q) Why is X not Y?
A) Because X is the way I like it. While taking some inspiration from official/fan designs, I ultimately went with a look I prefered for equipment and factions which are unlikely to change. If this bothers you, just consider the mod as set in a generic medieval fantasy setting which happens to bear some similarities to TES.

Q) Is the mod lore-friendly?
A) Sort of. I tried to be lore friendly whenever possible, but often times I diverged either for gameplay reasons or personal preferences. Such an example is King Camaron stil being alive while he should be dead at this time. There was also an attempt to include the modern tes lore into the more dated one present in Daggerfall.

Q) Are there any custom quests?
A) Yes, there are many new quests mostly focused around the minor factions. A full quest guide is included in the download and will also be posted here in an article

Q) Is the "magic" just glowing throwing items?
A) Mostly yes, tough some have special effects; vampire drain restore hp, many summon creatures and fire balls do Aoe damage. (Note: NPCs have modified versions of the spells, with less summons and no hp restoration)

Q) How do I obtain these "magic" items?
A) Most spells can be bought from the mages guild avaible in each town while some are awarded from quests. If for some reason you don't want to join the mages guild, there is also a merchant in the tavern of Dwynnen.

Q) In the troop trees I see troop "X" which I cannot seem to be able to recruit normally. How do I obtain them?
A) Most of the shown troops can be obtained one way or the other. Currently, only banner bearers and a few others cannot be recruited normally and must instead be rescued from prisoners. Some troops can only be recruited in certain cities/castles. A list of these units is included in the download. Search for the "Docs" folder inside the mod folder.

Q) Can I join a minor faction?
A) The Order of the Black Worm, the Orcs, the Vampires and the Legion are all joinable trough quests.

Q) Khajiti/Argonians/Female Orcs?
A) Khajiti and Argonians are unlikely to come due to me not having any models that even closely could resemble them. Female orcs will probably come.

Q) Is there freelancer?
A) Yes, albeit it might be a bit buggy.

Q) diplomacy?
A) No and while a great mod it will not be implemented.

Q) Can you increase the battle size?
A) I prefer to keep it vanilla, but there is a tool called "Warband Battle Size Changer" that allows you to increase those numbers. However this might increase crashes so you use at your own risk.

Q) After a while of playing all my textures turn black!
A1) That is unfortunately a sign of warband's age and it's limited memory. I tried to do as much as possible to optimize but this problem is still pretty frequent. It should only happen after long battles and sieges, so my suggestion, is to immediately save after each of this events and restart the game. This should fix this untile the next big battle. (If you use cheats, using the search item function is almost guarantee to make this happen)
A2) Newer computers seem to suffer from this problem much more than older ones. I have noted that while my old potato pc from 2011 could run mods for hours without issue, my newer machine from last year has instead tons of issues with black textures every half an hour or so.

A3) Lowering texture resolution (even to half or lower), setting shaders to low, forcing single threading in the launcher and disabling ragdolls could help in reducing crashes.

Q) While playing as a non-human race I am regarded as female.
A) Known bug, will be fixed.

Q) I found a bug!
A) Feel free to post it in the comments so I can take a look.

Q) "X" is op! "Y" is too weak!
A) The mod is in beta for a reason. You are guarantee to find weird stats and the like, so report them to me.

Q) Hey, I have this cool idea, can I share it with you?
A) Be my guest. While I may not add it, i'll make sure to take a loot at all comments.

Q) Will you make a discord for the mod?
A) An unofficial discord server for both Vasnar and Struggle for the Iliac Bay has been made:

Q) Will you port the mod to steam?
A) I tried various times to port it to steam but each time I get an error and all the solutions I tried did not work. So, unless someone else wants to port it to steam, for the time being it will remain here.

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