Play the Single-Player Story with the HaZardModding Coop Mod Co-Operatively. Up to 8 players supported via LAN or Internet. 3 different Classes with specific abilities, to support the Team.

Report RSS Change log 6.04

Change log of version 6.04 changes to 6.03 and default game.

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removed: viewmodel-drull-staff.tik, no longer modified
removed: dm_munro.tik, no longer modified
removed: dm_jurot.tik, no longer modified
removed: dm_kourban.tik, no longer modified
removed: dm_telsia.tik, no longer modified
removed: dm_chell.tik, no longer modified
removed: dm_chang.tik, no longer modified
removed: weapondata.tik, no longer modified
removed: playerdata.tik, modifications may have caused lag (disabled cacheStateMachineAnims for legs/torso)
removed:, causing multiple critical problems
removed: initialize.cfg, command: ui_hidemouse; it is deprecated
removed: _playerName, Script Entity String Variable - using now: getStringPlayerPlayername
removed: _playerLanguage, Script Entity String Variable - using now: getStringPlayerLangauge
removed: main.scr, globalCoop_main_waitForTeam, script function
removed: main.scr, globalCoop_main_waitForTeamHandlePlayer, script function
removed: Lurker, killing player ranged message 'was slimed'
removed: coop_checkPlayerMakeSolidASAP
removed: !status chat command
removed: music folder from folder models - misplaced folder
removed: coop_iceStation, modified Stargate Ring Models/Textures
removed: m1l1b, unused actor $cin_voyager_chell
removed: m1l1b, unused actor $cin_voyager_munro
removed: m1l1b, globalCommon_SetupContextDialog for Telsia, not needed in this level
removed: m1l1b, $forcefield_blue1.loopsound reference in script, entity does not exist
removed: m1l1b, $forcefield_blue2.loopsound reference in script, entity does not exist
removed: m1l1b, $forcefield_blue3.loopsound reference in script, entity does not exist
removed: m1l1b, $trigger_seq_chang_elevator_exitreference in script, entity does not exist
removed: m1l1b, $intro_borg reference in script, entity does not exist
removed: m1l1b, $borg_4_12_work reference in script, entity does not exist
removed: m1l1b, lift2_wait function, not used in this map
removed: m1l1b, lift2_check function, not used in this map
removed: m1l1b, lift2_down function, not used in this map
removed: m1l1b, lift2_up function, not used in this map
removed: m1l1b, float lift2_isup variable, not used in this map
fixed: Timelimit not working if a Coop Mod Map was loaded before a regular map.
fixed: Pointlimit not working if a Coop Mod Map was loaded before a regular map.
fixed: Weapons not fiering or not stopping to fire frequently
fixed: main.scr, script function globalCoop_main_waitForTeam getting Missions stuck
fixed: global_tricorderMod.scr, Wave Modulation puzzle, wave displayed wrong until clicked
fixed: level.scr, globalCoop_level_gatheringAreaPlayerHandleHud - not displaying player numbers
fixed: coop radar, targeted marker staying active even if Mission Objective is no longer active or targeted
fixed: coopPlayer.cpp, Console Warning 3x. Client: 'title' : Index 1 out of range.
fixed: menu_ingame_callvote.urc, German Tooltip in English version.
fixed: Callvote Text not displaying during other game modes than Coop, if player has coop installed
fixed: menu_main.urc, Console Warning. Client: 'fullscreen' : Index 1 out of range
fixed: Precache of coop related models, file coop_general.txt moved to the correct folder
fixed: Start Server Menu, Showing team colors as $$Red2$$ and $$Blue2$$
fixed: Mouse Pointer activating when changing video settings while on a server
fixed: Start Server Menu, Bots not being added to the server
fixed: !build chat command
fixed: coop_phraserIniSet, always writing data to coop_status.ini regardless of the actual file indicated
fixed: Coop Background Story not being set for host player of Listen-Server
fixed: Players Regenerating when dead
fixed: Kill/Suicide not working for players
fixed: !kill chat command, can no longer be used if player is already dead
fixed: ent-deck11, no spawnpoints for players, all spawning at the same spot in the turbolift
fixed: secret3, player spawn locations misalignment
fixed: coop_bugs, Dialog of Picard in End Cinematic not working
fixed: coop_rotec1, caulk glitch in hallway right behind the first blockade
fixed: coop_rotec1, texture overlap right behind the first blockade
fixed: m0-intro, Soundtrack out of sync with Cinematic
fixed: m1l1a, Locate Telsia Objective not displaying
fixed: m1l1b, chell can no longer be pushed away from the console while operating the lift
fixed: m1l1c, mission objectives marker sticking to telsia
fixed: m1l1c, first lift not working/getting stuck
fixed: m1l1c, first lift displaying developer info messages
fixed: m1l1c, chell and telsia turning invisible before cinematic starts
fixed: m1l2a, empty lift on level start cinematic
fixed: m1l3, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m2l0, Soundtrack out of sync with Cinematic
fixed: m2l2, batleth area, spawn points misaligned
fixed: m2l2, service duct sequence getting triggered prematurely
fixed: m2l2, players getting pushed outside the level by a lift moving into starting position on level start
fixed: m2l2, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m3l1a, airlock of the exit area locking out players
fixed: m3l1a, bad spawn spot positions at turbolift shaft
fixed: m3l1a, Cargo bay Door light flickering.
fixed: m3l1a, Airlock lights red, while they should be green.
fixed: m3l1b, spawn location of player 8 outside the level
fixed: m3l1b, players that where not inside the final room on m3l1a level ending, spawning outside the level
fixed: m3l2, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m4l2b, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m4l2b, if no alive player is travelling all the way with the first Lift, the Engineer gets stuck
fixed: m5l1b, bad Player spawn locations at map start
fixed: m5l2a, ending not working
fixed: m5l2b, level ending triggerable by a single player
fixed: m5l2b, spawnpoint of player 7 facing a wall during gas trap sequence
fixed: m5l2b, first group of tripwires making no damage
fixed: m5l2c, player getting locked in/out from basher boss fight
fixed: m5l2c, spawnpoint of player 4 after first cinematic
fixed: m5l2c, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m6-deck8_redalert, players moving before they should, resulting into players spawning in each other
fixed: m6-exterior, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m6-exterior, objective 2 placed on slot of objective 3
fixed: m7l1a, boss fight hallway dynlights
fixed: m7l1a, door locking players out of the boss fight
fixed: m7l2c, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m8l2c, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m9l2, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m10l2b, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: m11l3b, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: secret1, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: secret2, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: secret3, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: ef2_minigame2, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: coop_gbs11, mission success hud not sowing at end of the level
fixed: coop_settings.urc, Translation Error in German Version
fixed: coop_settings.urc, (?) Dummy Button
fixed: BossHud showing incompletely
fixed: Gather Hud info not updating
fixed: coop_help_cvars.urc, multiple typos
fixed: coop_help_download.urc, multiple typos
fixed: coop_help_connect.urc, a typo
fixed: coop_help_server.urc, a typo
fixed: coop_help_cvars.urc, multiple typos
fixed: menu_newgame.urc, containing fullscreen 1 twiche
fixed: menu_ingame_callvote.urc, English Text in German version.
fixed: coop_returnIntOrDefaultFromString, not handling empty strings
fixed: coop_returnFloatOrDefaultFromString, not handling empty strings
fixed: Players not being able to jump on certain objects when Heavy Weapons
fixed: FriendlyFire, not falling back to default setting when not yet set in coop_status.ini
fixed: FriendlyFire, being used to calculate player self-inflicted damage
fixed: FriendlyFire, being used to calculate player to player damage
fixed: MaxSpeed not using default setting when not yet set in coop_status.ini
fixed: Skill not using default setting when not yet set in coop_status.ini
fixed: Skill not showing in Objectives Menu, except for Host
fixed: Player getting Sniper if Server has instant kill activated
fixed: Certain Weapons not given to player if Server has instantkill activated
fixed: Player Health and Class was visible in other gametypes than Coop
fixed: Coop Radar, Mission Objective Marker for Item 5,6 and 7 not working
fixed: Technician Class, unable to jump over certain obstacles
changed: list.txt, into gbs_list.txt inside of models/ folder
changed: explosion-burst.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: attrexian_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: attrexian_energy_dispenser.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: attrexian_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: borg-sphere_energy-terminal_energy.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: borg-sphere_energy-terminal_health.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull1_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull1_energy_dispenser.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull1_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull2_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull2_energy_dispenser.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull2_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull3_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull3_energy_console-boss.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull3_energy_dispenser.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull3_energy_dispenser-boss.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull3_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: drull3_health_console-boss.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: enterprise_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: enterprise_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: klingon_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: klingon_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: romulan_energy_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: romulan_health_console.tik, restored command: loadAllAnims
changed: Coop C++ Text handling code, changed short to regular int
changed: Coop C++ Filename handling code, changed short to regular int
changed: Coop C++ Tiki Cache Monitoring code, changed short to regular int
changed: Coop C++ Server Setup handling code, changed short to regular int
changed: Coop C++ Radar handling code, changed short to regular int
changed: Coop C++ Mission Hud handling code, changed short to regular int
changed: Coop C++ Mapname handling code, changed short to regular int
changed: coop_gather hud, added noresize to prevent scaling of hud
changed: coop_exit hud, added noresize to prevent scaling of hud
changed: _playerKilledBy script string variable name to: _playerKilledByEntity
changed: global_tricorderKeypad.scr, removed help button hide command
changed: global_tricorderMod.scr, removed help button hide command
changed: global_tricorderRoute.scr, removed help button hide command
changed: tri_mod.urc, Help button shows now help text inside the menu
changed: Update Info Hud, only a text message will now be shown to outdated players
changed: m1l1a, player spawn locations at map start
changed: m2l1, player spawn locations at map start
changed: m3l1b, player spawn locations of engineering
changed: m5l2b, made respawning less frustration by progressing spawnpoints for all players together, rather than individually
changed: m6-exterior, moved function initCapClips, to prevent players from damaging the Idryll ship before the sequence has started
changed: coop_version Number from 603 to 604
changed: players own splash damage will now give 50% instead of 100% damage
changed: coop_blArena.script, next map load setting
changed: FriendlyFire now limited to 4 digits in Callvote Menu
changed: coop_bugs/cinematic.script, next map load setting
changed: coop_hatoriaOutpost.script, next map load setting
changed:, next map load setting
changed: coop_paradiseIsland2.script, next map load setting
changed: coop_gbsCredits.script, next map load setting
changed: coop_rotec1.script, first cinematic briefing screen, is now no longer a cinematic
changed: coop_rotec6.script, next map load setting
changed: coop_help_contact.urc, contact details and information
changed: coop_menu.urc, renamed because it is obsolete and no longer used
changed: Loading Menus, Removed Buttons for Quit and Reconnect
changed: coop_checkIsEntityInBoundingBox returning false if entity is checked against it self
changed: coop_checkIsPlayerActiveAliveInBoundingBox returning false if player is checked against it self
changed: menu_ingame_callvote.urc, disabled Coop Gametype Label and selection fields
changed: Archetype Scanning with Tricorder, will work only for one player at a time
changed: m0-intro, Skip Intro button will now also Endorse a Cinematic Skip Vote
changed: Mission Huds will now always unregister upon removal
changed: Mission Success Hud will now be 4 sec instead of 2 displayed
changed: Mission Success Hud will no longer be removed before loading the next map
changed: Class specific gravity settings for players Medic:0.85 Tech:0.9 Heavy:1.0
changed: coop_help.urc, list item order of appearance
updated: !transport command, Can't transport to self -> Can't transport to your self
updated: !transport command, Kann nicht zu sich selber transportieren -> Transport zu sich selbst nicht erlaubt
updated: globalLoadout_SecretWeapon.scr, will now work with the coop mod! Secret weapons will work now!
updated: Coop Radar, will send no updates to a player who is currently solving a (fullscreen) puzzle
updated: branchdialog, failsafe command is now more reliable using: hidemenu branchdialog
updated: coop radar, will no longer send updated data to spectators and dead players
updated: coop_rotec5.script, removed credits hud
updated: coop_help_download.urc, with new Informations of where to download files
updated: coop_settings.urc, adjusted widget alignments
updated: coop_settings.urc, added option: Show Tricorder Scan Hud
updated: coop_settings.urc, added option: Show Class and Health on players
updated: coop_help_commands.urc, adjusted visual appearance
updated: coop_help_scripting.urc, adjusted visual appearance
updated: coop_help.urc, adjusted visual appearance
updated: ent-deck1_bridge, player spawn locations, moved most into turbolift
updated: ent-deck7a, player spawn locations, moved 2 more into turbolift
updated: ent-deck7b, player spawn locations, moved 2 more into turbolift
updated: ent-deck7c, player spawn locations, moved 2 more into turbolift, adjusted the others
updated: ent-deck8, player spawn locations, moved 2 more into turbolift
updated: ent-deck11, player spawn locations inside the turbolift realigned
updated: m1l1b, moved cam fade out command for smother transition
updated: m2l1a, holodeck spawnpoints repositioned, they line up now
updated: m2l2, now using: getStringPlayerLangauge
updated: m5l2b, activating team ai without delay now
updated: m5l2b, added additional delays in level script to reduce server stress on level start
updated: coop_rescureChell, now using: getStringPlayerPlayername, getStringPlayerLangauge
updated: mission.scr, now using: getStringPlayerLangauge
updated: coop_paradiseIsland2, now using: getStringPlayerLangauge
updated: coop_rotec4, now using: getStringPlayerLangauge
updated: coop_rotec6, level can now be finished, even while it is stil work in progress
updated: level.scr, globalCoop_level_gatheringAreaActivated - for better performance and to handle count down
updated: level.scr, globalCoop_level_gatheringAreaPlayerHandleHud - to handle count down
updated: return.scr, globalCoop_return_floatSpawnAngleForPlayerId - using new script commands
updated: return.scr, globalCoop_return_vectorPlayerReSpawnOrigin - using new script commands
updated: return.scr, globalCoop_return_vectorPlayerSpawnOrigin - using new script commands
updated: handling of script String Variables set on player when killed: _playerKilledByEntity, _playerKilledByName, _playerKilledByClass, _playerKilledByActor
updated: menu_ingame_callvote.urc, English and German version to match up in resources and code alignment
updated: class, coop menu relevant data will now only be send to clients with coop mod installed
updated: callvote Menu, coop menu relevant data will now only be send to clients with coop mod installed
updated: objectives, coop menu relevant data will now only be send to clients with coop mod installed
updated: story, coop menu relevant data will now only be send to clients with coop mod installed
updated: coop_gather.urc, removed unused code
updated: coop_exit.urc, removed unused code
added: coop_exit.urc, countdown
added: coop_gather.urc, countdown
added: coop_rotec6, Mapshot image
added: coop_rotec6.mni, for the Start Server Menu
added: Awards, for killing enemies
added: Actor Think Process, a new replacement handling for coop_checkPlayerMakeSolidASAP
added: Player Client Think Process, a new replacement handling for coop_checkPlayerMakeSolidASAP
added: callvote Menu, End Cinematic to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Voting Option for Coop Awards
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 3 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 4 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 5 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 6 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 9 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 10 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, Information Gathering Mission for Mission 11 to the Mission List
added: callvote Menu, RoteC level 5 to the RoteC Mission List
added: callvote Menu, RoteC level 6 to the RoteC Mission List
added: Stargate Models converted by gsio01 created by Wade
added: A Coop Targeted Hud to display health and class of a player, separate from the default name hud
added: Players Re-spawning inside a door will be moved to their default spawn spot
added: coop_objectivesMarker, targetname for marker entity using missionobjective targetname plus _objMarker
added: maps can now be voted with parameters (via console) ie.: callvote map zoo1$checkpoint1=complete?
added: coop_rotec6, rain from coop_alien to this level
added: coop_rotec6, enemies and a level end cinematic
added: killing a player in coop will add -4 penalty score per kill to attacker
added: No points from Score will be taken, if a player commits suicide or is killed during coop
added: stef2_master-server-patch.exe, to fix Master Server
added: Extra File: gamex86.dll to restore original game files
added: declaration_functions.scr, new and missing declarations
added: declaration_variables.scr, coop_bool_gatheringAreaActivated
added: coopPlayer.cpp, management of DialogConsole hud for all players
added: mission.scr, loading last set checkpoint for current map on failure
added: mission.scr, globalCoop_mission_setCeckpoint - function to set checkpoint parameters
added: player.scr, globalCoop_player_moveToSpawnIfDistance to move players to spawn locations if they are to far away
added: level.scr, globalCoop_level_showSpawn to show player spawn locations
added: level.scr, globalCoop_level_testSpawn to test each spawn location by a player
added: !info command shows now also: Client/Coop number
added: Players will not regenerate for a certain amount of time, when hurt
added: m1l1a, Added additional spawn/respawnpoints
added: m1l1b, additional spawnpoints to keep players close together
added: m1l1b, moving all players down to where chell is assimilated right after cinematic
added: m1l1b, checkpoint loading on failure
added: m1l1c, Added additional spawn/respawnpoints
added: m1l1c, first lift EndHallwayLift to deathmessage handling list in gamex86.dll
added: m1l2c, player gathering area on lift
added: m1l2c, player spawnpoints near the lift, once the lift is down
added: m3l1a, spawnangle update for player spawn 1, after first puzzle was solved
added: m3l2-forever.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: m4l1b, multiplayer checkpoint loading on failure
added: m4l2b, fail-safe if Engineer fails to reach Lift1
added: m4l2b, fail-safe if Engineer fails to reach Lift2
added: m4l2b, fail-safe if Engineer fails to reach Power Core Controls
added: m4l2b, multiplayer checkpoint loading on failure
added: m4l2b-attrexian_station.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: m5l2b, Gathering area at level end
added: m5l2c-drull_ruins1.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: m6-deck8_redalert.script, new spawn locations near tuvok assist sequence
added: m6-deck16_engineering.script, displaying of a Warning if player shoots Warpcore components
added: m6-exterior, multiplayer checkpoint loading on failure
added: m8l2b-drull_ruins2.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: m9l2-klingon_base.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: m10l2b-romulan_installation.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: m11l2a-drull_ruins3.script, additional spawnpoints close to the level end
added: m11l3a-drull_ruins3_boss.script, additional spawnpoints close to the level end
added: credits.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-training_weap1.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-training_weap2.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-training_weap3.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-training_weap4.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-deck7a.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-deck7b.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-deck7c.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-deck11.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: ent-deck1_bridge.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: coop_m6Deck16Engineering.urc, Warning hud for Deck16 Warpcore defence
added: coop_voteCenterText.urc, hud to show vote in progress during cinematic
added: coop_alien.shader, surfaceparm nomarks to prevent projectile impact leaving marks in the rain and fog
added: coop_iceStation, localstring file for model archetypes
added: coop_iceStation, introduction of Christmas Trees on level start with effects
added: coop_iceStation, placment of Christmas Trees
added: coop_iceStation, 100 Points for shooting a Christmas Trees
added: coop_iceStation, new Hud with sound when shooting a Christmas Trees
added: coop_iceStation.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added:, the regular Stargate Ring Models/Textures
added: coop_noscript_example.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: coop_alien.script, next map load routine for coop diagnose mode
added: coop_bugs.script, coop_endLevel function to load next map
added: coop_bugs.script, coop_endLevel function to load next map
added: coop_returnFloatFromString, for c++ code use
added: globalCoop_player_makeSolidASAP, variable range of possible player targetname handling
added: precache files for all custom coop Maps
added: coop_help_pk3.urc, aditional information how to handle pk3 files
added: coop_help_coudntload.urc, aditional information how to handle missing Map
added: coop_help_cvars.urc, new Cvar names and descriptions
added: coop_settings.urc, Checkbox for Tricorder Scan Text
added: Archetype Scanning with Tricorder, can now be shown on a hud
added: coop_scan.urc, hud to show Archetype Descriptions when scanning with tricorder
added: cvar coop_ui_targeted, for enabling/disabling the displaying of the player health and class in coop
added: MultiplayerManager::initMultiplayerGame - will read mp_timelimit and mp_pointlimit on each map start
added: server.scr, globalCoop_server_itemLockedSet
added: server.scr, globalCoop_server_itemLockedSet_dll
added: declaration_functions.scr, globalCoop_server_itemLockedSet
added: declaration_functions.scr, globalCoop_server_itemLockedSet_dll
added: C++ code, globalCoop_server_itemLockedSet_dll
added: A updated version of the example map prf_bioscanner
added: Map prf_borgWork
added: Map prf_doorsRotating
added: Localstrings support for new maps, Mappers need to place a txt file named after the current map in
loc/eng/stringresource/ and loc/deu/stringresource/
added: ctf_faceoff4.mni, nameing fix
added: ctf_faceoff4.scr, script based Killtrigger Fix
added: ctf_faceoff4, mapshot fix
added: Document: changelog_hcm.txt
added: Document: credits_hcm.txt
added: Document: faq_hcm.txt
added: Document: license_hcm.txt
added: Document: maplist_hcm.txt
added: Document: commands_player_hcm.txt
added: Document: commands_server_hcm.txt
added: Document: readme_hcm.pdf
added: Document: known_hcm.txt
added: Tool: sv_coop_hcm.bat
added: Link: website_hcm.url
added: #s menu_ingame_callvote.urc, hideDuringLoad to prevent overlay upon mapload
added: #s menu_ingame_multiplayer.urc, hideDuringLoad to prevent overlay upon mapload
added: #s Flushtikis on levelend to prevent tiki cache overloaded on Listen Servers
added: #s After calling a vote the Callvote menu will close right away
added: #s Level Script Variable on player when killed: _playerKilledByMeans
added: #s Level Script Variable on player when killed: _playerKilledByMeansName
added: #s Level Script Command: void setVectorScriptVariable(string variablename, vector value);
added: #s Level Script Command: void setFloatScriptVariable(string variablename, float value);
added: #s Level Script Command: void setStringScriptVariable(string variablename, string value);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringFromStringWithLengt(string source,int startAt,int endAt);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringToLower(string source);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringToUpper(string source);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntStringLength(string source);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringPlayerName(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringPlayerLanguage(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringPlayerTeam(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerTeamScore(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerScore(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerDeaths(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerKills(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerSpectator(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerHasCoop(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntPlayerLastDamaged(entity player);
added: #s Level Script Command: int getIntStringFind(string source,string search);
added: #s Level Script Command: float getFloatFromString(string source);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringEntitySubclass(entity any);
added: #s Level Script Command: float getFloatScriptVariable(string variableName);
added: #s Level Script Command: vector getVectorScriptVariable(string variableName);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getStringScriptVariable(string variableName);
added: #s Level Script Command: int addPlayerIntScore(entity player,int score);
added: #s Level Script Command: int isEntityInsideOfEntity(entity any, entity any);
added: #s Level Script Command: int isDigit(string singleLetter);
added: #s Level Script Command: string solidAsap(entity any);
added: #s Level Script Command: string getLevelParamaterValue(string paramaterName);
added: #s Player can no longer kill him self during a cinematic
added: #s Player can no longer kill him self while in spectator mode
added: #s Doors, You need the - Notice is now printed to hud during Multiplayer
added: #s Triggers, You need the - Notice is now printed to hud during Multiplayer
added: #s PuzzleObject, You need to use the - Notice is now printed to hud during Multiplayer
added: #s Team Deathmatch Fix for the ef2 level dm_ctf_voy1
added: #s Spectators can no longer trigger displaying of archetypes
added: #s Archetype Scanning can no longer be interrupted by other players
added: #s Player velocity set to 0 when spawning/entering the arena, preventing player from using velocity gained during spectator mode
fixed: #s lights.shader, showing marks of exploding projectiles
fixed: #s Holdable Mine beeping if player from same team walks over
fixed: #s Bat'leth stabbing sound being audible to all players on entire Map
fixed: #s Denied Taunt, if dead player dropped a Item and another picks it up
fixed: #s dm_ctf_voy1.bsp, fixed Players Spawning outside of map at Deathmatch
fixed: #s Rotating doors and Scriptobject, rotating a extra 360 degree when interrupted or blocked
fixed: #s You need the, Notice for Keys that are needed for doors not showing at all
fixed: #s kill, can no longer be used if player is already dead
changed: #s Award icon in dm_console hud to the center of the screen
changed: #s Award Ammount Number in dm_console hud to the center of the screen
changed: #s Multi Player Chat text area has now a little more space in width and height
changed: #s Level Script MAX_STATEMENTS limit from 16384 to 20480

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