Five centuries of Star Trek gameplay plus much more...

RSS Reviews

TheChicagoSpy says

Agree Disagree

Once you get the proper mod manager working, this is a great mod. Finally, I can relive my TOS fantasies


cyberfaust says

Agree Disagree


Are there any chances for multiplayer version?


CaptPatrick01 says

Agree Disagree

"'none' object has no attribute '(name)' Will not load.
I redownloaded the mod from a different site and tried again, and now the gamemodes work on their own, but, whenever I load an era, ANY era, I get this: "ValueError: Empty module name" and the game crashes on load. Removing the BCMod files did not help, and the effect appears to be permanent until the game and mod are reinstalled. I just cannot get this mod to to work and don't want to spend 3 hours reinstalling everything each time it breaks. If a solution isn't created I will have to revert back to the hellishly unstable but at least functional Kobayashi Maru mod. This thing was a waste of my time.