here is the porting directly from the nintendo switch version, some content had to be made compatible with the 2007-2008 build of the PC, some content had to be made from scratch since the switch version use different way to integrate sprite graphic in the game. Tools i used (nintendo switch rom extractor + unreal engine extractor + sir ninja RotP port and the base game as a reference to create from scratch the missing xml files)

RSS Reviews

xdiesp_ says

Agree Disagree

We need more PQ modding


Bloody_Kenshiro says

Agree Disagree

This brings much needed justice to Puzzle Quest fans that were also PC users and kept missing out on expansion content due to contract exclusivities or whatever backroom reason might have existed.

Puzzle Quest was lighting in a bottle even as far back as 2007 and none of its successors had quite the same charm and variety as the very first - even the developers themselves seem to tacitly agree with this assessment:

Puzzle Quest 2, Galactrix, Puzzle Kingdoms, Puzzle Chronicles never got a single expansion, and most other games related to it were just re-skinnings with whatever license was convenient at that point in time.

As it stands, Puzzle Quest - The Legend Returns is the best and most complete Puzzle Quest experience, and thanks to kind and talented modders, it's no longer unfairly exclusive to consoles.