A Single-Player-Coop mod for Unreal Tournament 3. Work with your past and future selves to complete your objective.


Prometheus is a mission-based, single-player co-op game in the spirit of "Portal" and "Mirror's Edge". By using the Prometheus Device, players bend the laws of Einsteinian physics using the theory of quantum states, meaning that goals are accomplished by completing missions with your past, present and future selves. You'll need to keep your wits about you and your memory sharp in solving puzzles presented with this unique game play mechanic. Progression through the story introduces new challenges, with tasks increasing in difficulty, and a final dramatic conclusion questions present loyalties and even your own existence.

Prometheus v4.0 UDK
EmotionalRobot - - 427 comments

cool, excited to see how it runs on UDK...


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NightSage - - 644 comments

is it possible to run this without ut3 now?

"Thanks to the release of Epic Games' Unreal Development Kit, anyone can now download and play "Prometheus" without the need for any additional game to be installed."


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saivert - - 137 comments

so does the UDK make it easy to convert UT3 mods into stand-alone games or do you guys have to recode a lot of things?

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Angel_Mapper Creator
Angel_Mapper - - 61 comments

Not much needed to be changed, the weapon mostly because the sniper rifle from UT3 isn't in the UDK.

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emetalce - - 472 comments

Really nice to see this, i don't own UT3 so this is a treat for me! Thank you!

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klichka - - 138 comments

Most of the mods like this can be done standalone now since the UT3 assets are utter crap and useless for most modding purposes.

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Khanromi - - 6 comments

Incredible. It's been four days since this particular version had been released and the download count is already close to double that of 3.0. "Larger audience" indeed.

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CallsignX - - 4 comments

Good to hear we know longer need UT3 for this, but everytime i try to install it, the notice "corrupt package" displays. It says "The UDK package is corrupt, please redownload (Exception when opening zip)" any ideas, guys? cause i already tried redownloading it

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CallsignX - - 4 comments

hmmm... repaired my .net framework 3.5 sp 1 and it seems to work fine now. Great mod, mate.

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Spenzerr - - 494 comments

wait do i need to go out and get the udk or is it in this install package?

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Angel_Mapper Creator
Angel_Mapper - - 61 comments

You don't need to download the UDK separately, the install package is all you need.

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USam - - 44 comments

Great work guys, perfect!
I waited for this!!!!

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Dreadacide - - 2,600 comments

very nice... love this game

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stInc.Male - - 5 comments

great, now this is separate game. can we expect new maps?

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Ksendz - - 1 comments

The most abrupt thing since Portal. Somewhere even it is better. Give new missions please!

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Poldovico - - 3 comments

"Single-Player-Coop" made me laugh. Anyway, it kinda feels weird that Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time came out with a similar concept (in the Clank's puzzles) about a month after this.

*Edited by me to remove a wrong statement*

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Poldovico - - 3 comments

Wait, how does the Epimetheus menu work? According to the video it should appear when you start a mission, but I can't see it. All I get is "press the fire button to start"

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Angel_Mapper Creator
Angel_Mapper - - 61 comments

The Epimetheus menu shows up later in the game, for the first few levels you're working for Prometheus. The level called "Epimetheus" is the tutorial for that section of the game and all of the levels after it use that menu.

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Poldovico - - 3 comments

Oh, ok. Thanks.

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Vorpall - - 5 comments

this is a stand alone game, right? no need to download UDK? or stuffs?
I've installed this game and it's always crash.
UDK.exe stopped working seconds after I click it and it said 'app was unable to start correctly (0x0000005)'
just that, can anyone help me?
and yes I still use this v4.0

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Angel_Mapper Creator
Angel_Mapper - - 61 comments

Yep it's standalone! Look in UTGame\Logs\Launch.log to see if there are any helpful errors in there. Also, what are your system specs?

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Vorpall - - 5 comments

AMD Phenom 2 BE
ATI Radeon 5450 2GB ddr3
I suppose that's enough and it worked once, just once, and it's back like before again. Should I download the newer version?

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Vorpall - - 5 comments

oh I notice this

Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'PRM_Content': Can't find file for package 'PRM_Content' while loading NULL
Warning: Warning, Failed to load Outer for resource 'PrometheusPostProcess': Package PRM_Content.HUD

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Angel_Mapper Creator
Angel_Mapper - - 61 comments

That's weird, it shouldn't even be looking for packages like that since it's the packaged version. Try 4.1 and see if that fixes it for you, but make sure to uninstall first and make sure that the entire folder is gone. Some configuration files might get left behind that could screw it up.

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Vorpall - - 5 comments

I dont see any uninstall thing written anywhere, it's just in unsetup help and an icon (just the icon). no uninstall exe
kinda confusing

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Angel_Mapper Creator
Angel_Mapper - - 61 comments

Ok, looking at this thread it seems the UDK is very self contained, so deleting the folder should be all you need to do:


You can also run Add/Remove Programs so Windows will recognize that it's gone and remove the program from its list.

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Vorpall - - 5 comments

I succeed at uninstalling it
but still got no clue in how to play it, it always crash
and pop up the same thing
maybe I'll try the udk itself and other udk game

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