Portal Plus is a Mod that expands upon Portal 2. It is NOT a new story! It’s the expansion of Portal 2s story. This Mod adds a couple of different things: - a slight overhaul of some parts in the game (destruction, difficulty of puzzles and general looks) - a new chapter between chapter 7 and 8 (possibly called: The Reminiscence) - a new soundtrack The added chapter will be in a Portal 1 styled look, but with some tweaks. At the end of Portal 1, a massive explosion destroyed a big chunk of the facility. This is why, as you go on through the testing track, the chambers seem to fall apart more and more, since the Nano-bots cannot reach the old parts of the facility. And Wheatleys actions, further above, just make the situation worse… The new Soundtrack will ONLY be playing in the added chapter!




