This is a sub-mod for Millenium Dawn which expands the playability of Catalonia as a nation, which now starts as a puppet of Spain. Guide Catalonia towards it's independency and create a modern and strong nation in the Iberian Peninsula Features: -New Focus tree: Expand in every direction, form a new military, create a modern and capable fleet or take a stance in your diplomatic focus -New Ideas: Ranging from the industrial techniques you prefeer to the kind of army you want -New States: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona -New Decisions: Get your independence from Spain Form the Catalonian Empire: Recreate the Crown of Aragon and bring glory to Catalonia Form the Països Catalans: Our fellow brothers live under the spanish yoke, solve this Import technology in order to develop a proper army International investments: Let the foreign money flow in Fortify your borders: Catalonia is a little country with big


