Life Among Death is an Unreal Engine based Game/Mod that focuses less on the act of killing zombies mindlessly, and more about strategic survival in their world. Survival will be based on getting food to satisfy your need for sustenance, water for quenching your thirst, and shelter, to restore your fatigue. The above acts can be achieved any way the player sees available, whether it be foraging the mountains for berries, or sleeping on a locked roof to get a good night's sleep. Our team has many plans for this mod, and are working hard to achieve it. Some of these plans include the intricate survival system stated above, a brand new character management menu, a bunch of weapons, RPG elements and much much more. If this sounds like your cup of tea, we have a forum set up where Mod watchers can get updated on what's going on with the dev team, and see any updates that might not be listed here.

C++ Coders/Modelers

Anywhere [EXPIRED] Lone Walrus Productions