A simple, unopinionated, bugfix mod for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition. Made by the community, for the community.

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Changelog for the 1.6 update of the LE1 Community Patch

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We've had some awesome community contributions to the LE1 Community Patch for this update. I think this is the first update where I've fixed basically zero bugs myself, all of these bugfixes are from our awesome community of modders who contribute bugfixes while working on their own projects.

Huge thanks to rondeeno, DropTheSquid, Audemus, vegz, Knighthawk, Oakstar519 and fightinfears for their contributions to this update!

LE1 Community Patch v1.6


Fixes clipping between Male Shepard's visor and breather (Integrated mod: Visor Clipping Fix)

Fixed the Master Overkill talent so that it properly eliminates heat generation (Integrated Mod: Master Overkill Fix (LE1))

The tenth power slot for the player is now available

The barrier shield effect now shows up properly for squadmates on the PC Command HUD

Fixed tenth power slot not visible in the UI when Shepard has no squadmates

Attempting to map a squadmate's power with X on the power wheel will now play an error sound instead of appearing to change the mapped power

You can no longer inadvertently hide the quick slot bar while dragging powers

Clicking an already activated power in the PC Command HUD will re-request that power with an updated target, matching the controller behavior

Fixed accidentally activating medigel while dragging with right click

Switching weapons no longer removes the highlight on a requested power, and vice versa

Selecting a power or weapon will no longer hide the info box

Clicking the medigel button will now remove the highlight on a requested power, to match the in-game behavior

You can no longer drag powers out of the quick slot bar while outside the Command HUD, or while right clicking

Added a script workaround that prevents issues in mod-added custom dialogue when playing FemShep (#222)

Uncharted Worlds

Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon: Re-entering the cockpit after killing Saleon without Garrus present will no longer repeat the conversation (#226)

UNC: Besieged Base: Fixed broken AI for the drugged scientists (#139)

UNC: Besieged Base: Restored UI counter of how many scientists died (#139)

Photo credits to vegz

Fixed Elanos Haliat not walking away at the end of his holo conversation (#223)

Fixed Elanos Haliat using the Human soundset instead of the Turian one for his combat noises (#223)

Fixed some issues with Helena Blake's pistol on Amaranthine (#232)

Fixed some broken dialogue with Simon after saving the hostages on X57 (#234)


Fixed two ambient Ashley and Kaidan lines on Virmire that were subtitled as 'Captain Kirrahe' (#225)

Fixed several broken squadmate comments after encountering some indoctrinated Salarians on Virmire (#229)

Platform lamps on Virmire will now glow as they did in ME1 (#230)

Other Main Quest Worlds

Fixed a broken Dr. Chakwas line about the player being a biotic (#220)

Fixed an issue where the M29 Grizzly rover on Noveria could be insta-killed once it's shields were depleted.

Ashley's comment upon first encountering Chorban will now properly play (#231)

Fixed instances where ERCS Guards could be missing or unresponsive if the Rift Station quest is completed in an unusual way (#233)

Fixed incorrect lighting on some computer terminals for the claw puzzle on Feros (#236)

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