"Hallucinations is an up-coming modification of Cry of Fear based on a fictional story that follows an Infamous religious cult that follows a belief that ends innocent lives for the “revival” of their god whose existence is still unknown. A teenager whose mother, being responsible for ending its slaughters and tortures , was the last member of the cult named “The Nine Rings”. Your Name is Alex Walker, an ordinary teenager whose sanity has changed itself drastically since the death of his mother. After a few agitatful nights, you finally decide to dig deep into the cult’s strength and weakness. Everyone has been suffering from a strange type of disease which seems to affect everyone around you, except yourself, and you know who is very well behind this, and decide to bring this slaughterhood into an End." Hallucinations is an up-coming modification of the Stand Alone game Cry of fear.

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Suicidal Influence

Suicidal Influence

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Hallucinations Official Suicide map #2. This is another suicide map brought to you by Asim "DeadHammer" Raza