After the destruction of the Citadel in C17, the blast inspired others to rise up; much like those after Nova Prospekt. You escaped a unknown city just after it began fighting, and you've made to a really bad place: STRATIGRAD Similar in fate to Ravenholm, Stratigrad (Or known as Fearsome City) is an old industrial town that focused on all sorts of industries. The Combine eventually shelled it, causing most of it's inhabitants to die off. Except one... Big Brother (That's what he calls himself) has a facility outside of the town. He first addresses you on a Speaker, before tasking you with getting a remote one to contact you. He offers you advice, monologue, etc. The Vortigaunts have also made the presence known, asserting that they have admiration for you. The MOD was released on the 26th of Febuary 2023. Suggestions are welcome, and feel free to alert me of any bugs that may arise. I am not an expert. Just some guy who made this for fun.

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Small Update.



Hello all! Due to some oversight, i've deleted the download file. This was due to a slight oversight and hasteness from almost a year ago. As the mod is being polished, i advise everyone to delete the old demo file from your devices. Thank you.

It's Out!

News 3 comments



I cannot stress this without undue emphasis!

On a lighter note, i will be sleeping. PLEASE, PLEASE; report ANY and all bugs you come across. If it isn't game-breaking, then i can patch it later. If it is, i'll release a patch ASAP.


bb 030018

bb 030016

bb 030017

bb 020013

bb 020014

bb 030015

bb 020012

bb 010005background030000

bb 020011

Why the delay?

Because there is still some stuff i need to do, plus, i like to be secure. Essentially, expect it between the 11th-13th. If i somehow don't get it out by then, then i'll just fuckin' plow through the update shizz on the 14th and get it out the same day.

What next?

Minor Updates. And then i'll work on R.T.S. (Return to Stratigrad) which should release in 2025 LOL (I actually don't know, and probably won't know)

21/07/2023 Update


You're back?

Yes, we're back! Finally released my Album, so i've been able to work on the Map-Pack again.


This will be the last version, NOT, the last update. The Update is entitled: Version 3.0.0 (First digit is the current version build, Second Digit is an Minor Update, and the Third Digit is a Patch/Fix)

After this, i'll be adding:

Subtitle support for the entire mod.

Minor Additions like props, secret areas, and fixes.

And, hopefully, balance changes, that will be affected by your critiques!

I also hope to work on the sequel more, and i'll try to get a short demo released!

20/06/2023 Update

News 1 comment


Ok, so, i "SHOULD" be able, to get back to working on the Map-Pack around the 29th-ish.

Good news is, that, checking back on my TODO List, there isn't that much left to finish, so i should try and get it out by August the 1st, if not, then the 7th of August.

Bad News is, my mental health is deterioating, and i hope the mod can bring some freshness to my life soon! I have tons of ideas for future projects, most will probably see the light of day by 2029 though lol!