The Galactic Saga Mod brings several new eras into the game with loads of characters, weapons, and vehicles. This mod also aims to bring new maps to add to the classic Battlefront experience.

RSS Reviews

Mr.badman says

Agree (1) Disagree



TestingMods says

Agree Disagree

I selected Coruscant with Old Sith Wars and got an Order 66 level, where one team was called CIS and the other Empire. I tried Coruscant with Sequel Trilogy and tried to play as Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren had Count Dooku voiceovers.

Feels like playing an alpha version of a mod.


il-drubito says

Agree Disagree

Great mod, my dude! Keep up the great work!


UTzimo says

Agree Disagree



ColdPotatoSoup says

Agree Disagree

Great mod.


Zfrost says

Agree Disagree

Certainly one of the best mods I've ever played !, the classes are well structured, the sounds are very good, and it has a nice appearance (although I don't like the vanilla skins present in the mod). the gameplay with the heroes and a lot of fun! I liked the choice of making them a little weaker, and also making them not depend on the mechanics of the hero (get 10 points and wait for 90 seconds), this makes the ability to defend yourself more useful, since heroes don't have so much life. I just didn’t like that the same two heroes can appear at the same time, this makes the game very strange and I think it would be more interesting to have only one unit available for each hero (since the mod can have two different heroes, including me I really liked it), it would be much better than seeing two luke skywalkers in the same place. I also really like how much this mod puts you in the star wars universe, it has a very balanced content of canon and legends (although most of the content of this mod is canon) at the same time I like the diversity of classes of this mod in in relation to the others, however I think that the class that was less used was the aeronautical classes, like the jump trooper, the jet trooper, among others, I think it would make these classes better if they had explosive weapons, like a grenade launcher or a rocket launcher, or more grenades than just 2 ion grenades, because of its lack of precision in weapons when in flight, in addition to that it is very exposed (which for this mod is not good). I would say that the only aeronautical class that does not have this problem and the dark trooper, is cool to fly while evaporating your enemies :), the rest of the classes are great. the atmosphere that this mod creates is very good, part of it comes from the sounds that are very good, and also from the senses of intensity that the weapons create, this makes the gameplay incredibly dynamic, I would recommend that you put the camera a little closer to the player to make the gameplay even more dynamic, something like the homefront mod (which happens to be also one of my favorite mods!)
in general this mod is wonderful, and it has become my favorite mod for now! 10/10 for sure! I'm really looking forward to the next versions.


Sonterp says

Agree Disagree

Massive upgrade to the base game on all levels


jj123villa says

Agree Disagree

Awesome mod, new favorite


Robot_with_athsma says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

i cant stop using the repeating blasters