Far Cry VR transforms the 2004 classic into a full virtual reality experience with motion controller support. Experience Cabatu from a new perspective!

RSS Reviews

cambreaKer says

Agree Disagree

it's awesome :D
a little bit janky with things like climbing ladders, throwing grenades and the machete but other than that it's very much worth playing if you like the original game and got a vr headset!

also sidenote, maybe the weapon accuracy could be tweaked a little, they all seem to be really inaccurate unless you're prone all the time lol


Metacarpus says

Agree Disagree

Runs smoothly and controls make sense. Great game to have in vr. Just not certain how to use torch and throw rocks.


ni1chigo2115 says

Agree Disagree

The VR adaptation will significantly change the FarCry game experience.
You can naturally lean, capture and shoot enemies.
After experiencing this, the flat plane experience will feel cramped...