This mod aims to mould the full environment of EVE and its rich storyline, into a FPS environment with huge setpieces and grand space basically you get to shoot 3-shades of sheiBe out of each other in the ships of EVE: Online and also on the ground with a unique version of the amazing Battlefield 'flag taking' multiplayer. The first map to be released will be one containing a Chimera and a Thanatos (providing it doesnt crash the computer with all those polygons), along with their respective race's fighters ready and waiting for players to control and use as tools of destruction. At present the mod is in need of modellers and skinners so all who are interested email me at thanks...i look forward to the celebratory first round of E:NE with some of you :)

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Trinity Engine

Trinity Engine


Mod Update 16/12/2007 Just a note to say that the mod is still in the pipeline and that i still need help with it. Im doing what i can with the mod but...