Complete rebalance of the original Conquest Frontier Wars with additional ships, more fighters for carriers and more planets and skyboxes for systems. Early game units have more staying power in the late game.

RSS Reviews

mikey1871 says

Agree Disagree

very nice mod for an ancient awesome game from the past. Really wished they still made rts games like this instead of just carbon copies of Supreme Commander with just the skin changes.


Basekiller66 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

cooler mod danke und bitte weitermachen


Erick_Auron says

Agree Disagree

nice man, that should make it nicer to play the game. although it will make the game develop slower, that will make early tech much more valuable and strategic decisions will be more important.
if you want this mod to be even better add more stuff as well, it doesnt need to be much, just needs to be creative ^^