This mod is based on the Advanced Wars storyline. It will change the basic principles of generals by forcing you to capture cities and bases for units and income.A new system which will allow you to protect your men behind cover. New units will be introduced and each side will have somewhat unique units. Treat your vehicles special because it takes time and money to get more. Most sides will be balanced in unit strength, this means no whining about being overpowered. Single player and new maps will be implemented. Maps will be big in relation to Generals. Other changes will be made. The first release will likely be a demo. ------------------------------------------------- --------------- Story- Near the defeat of the Black Hole Army, a new force has arrisen, The White Nova Army. They're goals similiar to the BH, they have become a great threat, with an incredible commander. A combination of love story(don't say WTF!) and a action story, it's gonna be one big TC. Help needed:...

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If any one was wondering what I meant about action and love story, I'm thinking of doing Flash movie to tie into the war ingame. Yes, I might need...