Introduction : In 1944, the army of Free France unloads on the French beaches with thier allies, the General Leclerc in Normandy and the General de Lattre de Tassigny in Provence. This MOD has for ambition to recreat the combat of this army, while being inspired to the maximum of the historical facts. The large crossed cities will be mapped, but the equipment and the vehicles used by the French troops of this time will be modelled. En 1944, l'armee de la France Libre debarque sur les cotes francaises cote des allies, Le General Leclerc en Normandie et le General de Lattre de Tassigny en Provence. Ce mod a pour ambition de retracer les combats de cette armee, en s'inspirant au maximum des faits historiques. Les grandes villes traversees seront mappees, mais l'equipements et les vehicules utilises par les troupes francaises de cette epoque seront modelises. The MOD seeks all people being able to help for the project. Jobs : Le mod recherche toutes personnes pouvant aider pour...

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Wellcome to our newest member : Lanternier from kommando Kieffer clan (mapper) Pub banner are ready : mod 468*60 rofr 468*60 mod 640*60 mod 768*130 you...