Battlefield 40k's Mission Is to transform the Tabletop game of Games Workshops Warhammer 40,000 into an FPS for the Battlefield 2 Engine. The purpose of our mod project is to put six races in game. The aim for first release is focusing on Imperial Guard Cadians vs Tau Campaign (details on the campaign will be unveiled near release of the first alpha). The Six Races Space Marines Adeptus Astartes, Chapter: Blood Angels Space Marines are genetically enhanced superhumans that form the elite forces of the imperium of man. They are one of the most loyal forces to the Emperor. The Blood Angels were formed by the Primarch Sanguinius, their genes derive from him. During the Horus Heresy Their founder died at the hands of the traitor Horus. Ever since this incident the chapter has not been quite the same. Their geneseed now contains the Black Rage. At times The Blood Angels will lose control to the curse and annihilate all the enemy tearing them limb from limb without mercy. Imperial Guard...

Report RSS BF40K:BF2 News - Badlands Map Preview

An infantry only map A small contingent of the Imperial Guard - Cadian Shock Troops Battle Group - 8th Regiment have been ordered to capture and secure an abandoned deep space relay for the Adeptus Mechanicus to excavate for information regarding an investigation of STC technology rumoured to be in

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An infantry only map

A small contingent of the Imperial Guard - Cadian Shock Troops Battle Group - 8th Regiment have been ordered to
capture and secure an abandoned deep space relay for the Adeptus Mechanicus to excavate for information regarding an
investigation of STC technology rumoured to be in the space region.

Unknown to the Imperial forces, the T'au have buried a deep space ship radar under the sands in this area of the badlands.

Upon the detection of the Imperial guard the commander of the T'au Empire - T'au Sect - 3rd Regiment has decided in order to
conceal the significance of the device and defend it she has sent a small scout infantry force in to drive out the Imperium of Man's
forces from the area.

If the Imperials hold the land, and discover the device along with information of the STC information, it could lead to new weapons
and intelligence for the Imperium and threaten the T'au Empire's territorial hold on the star system.

(Jeff I have updated the plot on the original story you wrote for the map as it was not elaborate enough).

Special Battle Conditions

  • Both Commanders have a Radar, but no UAV or Artillery (artillery must be obtained) capabilities.
  • Both forces can have their Radars sabotaged and repaired, for the IG Radar Platform it is via the T'au Pathfinders Fusion Bombs.
  • The T'au Sensor Tower via IG Hardened Veteran Demolition Charges.

  • T'au Forces have an uncapturable base flag.

Obtaining Imperial Guard Earthshaker Cannon Platform Mounted Artillery

  • If the Hill Defence is captured by the IG, the IG commander then obtains the ability to use it.
  • The T'au forces can deny artillery to the IG commander either by holding the position from the start preventing its construction,
  • or if held Pathfinders can sabotage the Earthshaker Platform using Fusion Bombs.

Obtaining T'au Orbital Bombardment Artillery

  • If the Relay Station is captured by the T'au the T'au commander can call in artillery via the Transmission Antenna Array.
  • IG forces can deny the T'au commander artillery either by capturing the point from the start prevening its construction, or if held
  • the Hardened Veterans can sabotage the Transmission Antenna Array using Demolition Charges.

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