Workshops: ⁃ 21. Nov. 2013 Composers workshop with Hollywood composer Jeff Rona at SoundTrack_Cologne ⁃ 9 - 17 July 2014 Hollywood Music Workshop with Hollywood composers Conrad Pope and Christopher Young, the flutist Sara Andon and the producer Robert Townson in Baden near Vienna ⁃ 13 Okt. 2014 Composing for Film with Jozef van Wissem in Berlin ⁃ 20. Nov. 2014 Composers Workshop with Hollywood Trailer Composer Yoav Goren at Soundtrack_Cologne ⁃ 15 - 27 Juli 2015 Hollywood Music Workshop with Hollywood Composer Christopher Young including conducting and recording of two own pieces with a string orchestra. Work Experience: ⁃ animated short film “TYPEWRITERHEAD” by Eric Giessmann ⁃ short film “The Sequence” by Liam Beazley ⁃ short film “Alarm” by Andreas Hettmanczyk ⁃ short film “Einsam & Verlassen” by Natascha Stevenson ⁃ theater music for “Elisabeth von England” at Theater Ansbach


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