Lead developer for Unreal Demolition (UT2004 & UT3). Overworked student at DigiPen Institute of Technology.

Comment History
weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

I'll upload the release in a couple of days. I've had to cut a few things from the official MSUC release do to some major netcode related issues, so I'm hoping to get to fixing that this weekend or next weekend at some point, and making that my "official" 3rd release.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Patch 2.0 broke a few things in the mod, but overall it didn't change much. Just sort of plugging away at some things and adding in a new gametype that was mentioned to me. More updates when I feel like writing more than a few words.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

The bots work pretty well on Classic Demolition and Sumo. Demoball and Stunt don't work w/ bots though. The AI for those is going to be somewhat more complex to get working, so it's in the future work category there.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

After struggling for the past couple of weeks to try and get ANY working build of Unreal Demolition running on the PS3, I have decided to indefinitely postpone a PS3 build.

As it is, I'm working with relatively undocumented tools, trying to do something that nobody that I'm aware of has done - convert a multi-gametype mod to the PS3, along with all of its current content. I've been trying to get just Classic Demolition going, with only the base content, only to have the PS3 continue to crash. Without any way of debugging this, there's simply no reliable way for me to know what is happening here, so for the time being, the PS3 version is cancelled.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Wasn't aware that the 1.3 patch contained bonus pack updates as well. That's good to know.

As for installation problems, you shouldn't see any Unreal Demolition maps in the Ut3 executable. The gametypes will show up as a result of the configuration files needed, but Unreal Demolition runs seperate from the rest of UT3. In 1.3 they added the option of a -mod switch (similar to the UT2004 switch) to run mods in their own configuration sandbox, so you need to create a shortcut to run Unreal Demolition. There are more details on this (as well as some control configuration stuff) right at the top of the Unreal Demolition readme in the release package.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Uploading release 2. MSUC site gets first priority. Look for official release in a few hours.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

More vehicles, more maps, more gametypes are all upcoming. What this release allowed us to do is get the core gameplay in place for the vehicles themselves. From here, we can now expand on what we have and go crazy.

Luckily for me, I've managed to assemble a team of extremely talented individuals, who like me on the last Unreal Demolition, are working on their first mod, and are eager to see what can really be done. I've also got Kyle Mulligan now working on maps (he did Docking Bay and Proving Grounds in the current release), so there can only be more great things coming in the level design area.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

files finished uploading here, just waiting for authorization....website being updated next

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

files being uploaded now, they will be up shortly. also, for those of you who wish to play over the weekend, I'll be floating in and out of the server periodically after I catch up on some sleep.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

will be uploading shortly....taking a break to catch some food...mod is submitted to the MSUC and is at least for now unofficially downloadable on FilePlanet here: Fileplanet.com

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

ran into a few cooking issues needless to say....fixed them (presumably) and doing final testing now.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

I haven't really decided if I'm adding PS3 support yet. I don't have a PS3 on hand to test out mods, so my hands are kind of tied at this point. I'm doing some things in configuration files to support additional controls on the vehicles, so off hand I don't really know how well that would work on a PS3. Certainly if I can find some testers with PS3s, I may try and get out a simultaneous PS3 version.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

As you can see, screens are up and work is getting going. Got a few people helping me out to hammer out some of the finer details, and I'm hoping it should be tweaked well by the time the Make Something Unreal contest deadline happens on June 26th. Either way, I'll be releasing something on that day, so keep tuned for more stuff as that deadline gets closer.

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Been a bit busy with school....more updates soon

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

It was just my choice because I wanted an excuse to mess with UE3, and this seemed like the perfect project as a prototype. :)

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

sweet thanks :)

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Files for beta 5 are up on the official site, and up on here.

Happy demolition!

Good karma+2 votes
weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Downloads are down for a short time. Beta 5 will be released sometime later tonight, or early tomorrow morning, so I'll be uploading the new beta until then. Enjoy :)

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weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition Beta 4.1 Released

I've been meaning to get around to that, but haven't had a chance yet. Will upload some soon.

Good karma+2 votes
weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

Best chance to find people online is definitely to hop on our IRC channel and see who's around. That will also most likely grab you an admin to the server who knows what maps are the most fun to play.

Stop on by, a good time is in store.

Good karma+2 votes
weisso - - 21 comments @ Unreal Demolition

I'll be updating the screenshots and such soon. The ones that were on here weren't really indicative of what I was doing anymore. I just need to stop being lazy and get around to it in all honesty.

Good karma+2 votes