Hello, I am a music producer with aptitude in drone, background style music. I am always looking for work so feel free to contact me if you need some audio for your project.

RSS My Blogs  (0 - 10 of 18)

June 5th 2011

Watts Blog

June 5th, 2011

Thanatos has disappeared, however, I have found someone who is creating a game in my city area. I'll be writing music for them, and sharing some of it here. It's going to be a 2D style game, similar to SNES style RPGs, aka really fun.

My latest upload "the Castle Entrance" is a good description of what it will sound like.

October 24th, 2010

Watts Blog

October 24th, 2010

It has been a while since I have updated anything here, but I continue to write music.
Thanatos is still going strong. Actually it is going very well for the team, they are giving a presentation of the game down in Mexico. Recently I wrote a piece of music for a insignificant boss fight (like a mid-boss) and I am pleased with how it came out.

Take care.

July 31, 2010

Watts Blog

July 31, 2010

Thinking is what I have been doing. Perhaps too much of it.
I have not written much music since my last post, but what I have done is mostly all posted on here.
I am now looking to get back into writing theme music, hopefully for Thanatos!
Bis später!

May 24th, 2010

Watts Blog

May 24th, 2010

Hello. I am currently in the final stretch of my music theory classes and it is very sad. I have a final composition project to complete for the class, which will be my main focus for now, but I am very pleased to say that Thanatos is going well, and I have heard good things about the little work I've done so far. Thank you, if you are someone who has listened! Please do not hesitate to critique, but do so honestly and with reasoning :D.

Good night

May 04, 2010

Watts Blog

May Fourth, 2010

Thanatos (https://www.moddb.com/mods/thanatos) is a half-life 2 mod. An AWESOME mod. I recently noticed their mod and was very intrigued by it and wanted to see if I could help. Yes! I was very excited to hear I could offer help to a health active MOD team. So far I have only written background music for a cave area and it is exciting (the piece is almost complete and should be up on my video page). Who likes solo cello? I do. Awesome.

What's more exciting is what else the game has to offer, from what I've learned. Temples with awesome themes! This is my dream.

for now

March 4th, 2010

Watts Blog

March 4th, 2010

Happy birthday, Antonio Vivaldi!

Well I have Windows 7 up and running, and I am currently re-installing my orchestral library (which takes many hours of actual disc to hard-drive copying time). I look forward to it being finished. I haven't done any writing for video games in a long time now, but have been focusing on school and have learned some new techniques. I also feel stronger with melody and phrasing. Hooray!

I have a really good idea in the works...

January 29th, 2010

Watts Blog

January 29th, 2010

Hey. I have been silent for a long time. I've been secluded into my own thoughts and work. I have not worked on stuff for other people in a long time. Ah what does that matter anyhow. I need Windows 7 and some more memory before I can use my bigger and better sound library.

Ok, cya.

August 28th, 2009

Watts Blog

August 28th, 2009

Well it's been a normal summer. How was yours? I took a long break from composing theme music, but need to start getting back into it for school. This school year I will be taking just one class, but also working on a portfolio for my music. I also recently bought some new instruments that sound epic! I look forward to trying them outRight now i'm currently reworking the Master-Sword:Source title screen music. Just sketching some ideas.Goodbye

May 19th, 2009

Watts Blog

It's May 19th, 2009


Been working very hard on my biggest orchestral piece i've done so far. The music is for Mastersword:Source's title screen. I've got high and low string sections, including violins, a cello, also have a brass section, and a flute! Prominently pan flute. Some percussion too (I need more orchestral percussion, and not so much tribal percussion).

The writing of the song was fun. Got to apply voice leading and harmonization along the way, as well as listening to my head and what it's singing. The production of the piece was half, if not more, the battle. But it came out well, and I may beef it up later (reverb, EQ) but for now, it's complete.

k cya!,

Harry "Watts" IV

Sleepless in

Watts Blog


May 3rd, 2009

Well. Nothing like being wide awake all night. My mind was racing, but my body was aching, and craving for the cool refreshment, the plushness, of my bed. I lie down, tired, rest. In my mind I'm flying 2,000 miles an hour. Make it stop!!

Been busy with school. My younger brother has a game hes working on now too. We both worked on the title screen music for his 2D side scrolling game. Fun fun.

Also am now a bassoonist! Yes!

Ok cya