I'm a New Zealander studying Mandarin in China. Have been working on and off on Endurance during my holidays for about two years. Hope you like it.

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Diary 12: Patch Release

Diary 12: Patch Release


I've been working hard this week on making some changes to the second beta. A lot of time was spent on getting the WebGL version of the working properly...

Diary 11: New Website

Diary 11: New Website


Along with the new Beta, I’ve also been working a bit on a website for Endurance. I’m new to web development, so in the end I just put it together...

Diary 10: Beta2

Diary 10: Beta2


The last couple of weeks I haven’t made much progress on Endurance as I’ve been in the midst of moving countries. Now that things have settled down...

Dairy 9: Working Towards Beta-2

Dairy 9: Working Towards Beta-2


It’s been a while since I’ve done an update. But things have been ticking along.

Diary 8: Endurance Open Beta

Diary 8: Endurance Open Beta

Endurance 3 comments

Endurance is now in Beta! What does this mean? It means the game should be playable, at least for the first 3 levels, and that all the critical systems...

Diary 7: Play Testing Beta1

Diary 7: Play Testing Beta1


I’ve been doing a lot of play testing recently. I play the game for a few hours. Writing down everything that’s wrong, fix those things, then starting...

Diary 6: Alpha4 – Content, Combat, and Death Update

Diary 6: Alpha4 – Content, Combat, and Death Update


Today marks the release of Alpha4. At this point almost all the key mechanics are in place. You can get the 4th alpha right now. New maps, new combat...

Diary 5: New Maps

Diary 5: New Maps


I’ve spent the last few days adding some new content and balancing out the combat system. SPOILER WARNING: There are some spoilers for the 3rd map in...

Diary 4: New Alpha!

Diary 4: New Alpha!


My aim is to release a new alpha version each week. Today I’ll be releasing Alpha3. The main changes from the previous release are user interface adjustments...

Diary 3: Simplifying the UI

Diary 3: Simplifying the UI


One really important rule with user interfaces is “Less is more”. It’s important to show only the elements that a relative so that the user isn’t...

Diary 2: Web Builds for Indie Games

Diary 2: Web Builds for Indie Games


One of the reasons I’m using Unity3d to build my game is that it makes it really easy to build to different targets. Unity supports windows, mac, Linux...

Diary 1: Lighting

Diary 1: Lighting


First diary entry about switching lighting models in Unity3D.