I'm a Senior in High School currently. The only thing keeping my little sanity is my mod/child(creepy huh?) NO-LIFE. I'm really trying to keeps this damn thing alive, because I know once I get the train going I'll get support and help to keep it going. It's just slow to start but as God as my witness, I will get my idea made into a mod even if I have to get on my knees and beg to VALVe to help me!

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Hyperness, ADHD at its finest

Vengful_Soldier Blog

Its hard to work on something as slow and tedious as Hammer when you have to be constantly moving about, I wish I didn't have to move but I can't stop twitching.....my....FOOT! I want to bitch slap it but it doesn't have a face! And now this thing wants what I'm saying to be 300 characters in length which is really hard when you just want to blow crap up! NAONBAOTBAOGKBNAJGABGU! Well, if anyone is paying attention to this then awesome, if not, then at least my nonsensical ramblings will be released and I can work on No Life more....mapping it....cause no one has offered to help with the models, even when I asked. Busy, I know but, Jesus, I wish people would come out of their way to help others too! Especially a noob like me!