I'm a 20yr old Gamer and Independent Game Developer from Queensland, Australia. I'm taking a year off of a University Course to develop a large Mod Project on the CryEngine2 to improve my skills and give the community a new gaming experience. The project I am working on for the next 11 months is codenamed 'The 2010 Project' and will released around Xmas 2010...

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PROJECT UPDATE - 25/04/2010

Vector_27 Blog

FIrst I should apologise, I promised to have several pics up from the editor of the 'The 2010 Project', however I decided against it at the last moment. I did so for several reasons, first off the basic geometry setup was cut up into many pieces and would have been difficult to understand, second the standard level of work wasn't consistant across the whole environment, and thirdly I have decided on a new scheme of updates for the project.

First off the mod will be formally announced within a month on this site. Details concerning story and plot may or may not be revealed before the start of July. On the first of July this year 'The 2010 Project' will have it's first media release, with screenshots and concept art to be open to the public for the first time. The code name 'The 2010 Project' will also be retired and a new working title announced on the same day. However until that date it is unlikely I will reveal any new details that haven't already been posted on this blog.

It should however be noted to that this project is in noway dead. The mod is being worked on every day and over the last two weeks various milestones have been reached and I feel I am actually getting ahead of myself in regards to work done. That's all for now, check back here for any more news. Cheers ;)


PROJECT UPDATE - 23/03/2010

Vector_27 Blog

Just a quick update before the end of the month. Basic geo for the major environment of 'The 2010 Project' is on course and several quick snaps taken in the editor should be ready and up online on the 31st of this month if nothing else comes up.

The environment in question is the futuristic city in which a large chunk of the game takes place, and will largely be created from scrap, using very little original assets other than decorations and surface textures. The city itself will have a very simple theme and style, eliminating the need for extra development time but the style in mind will give the city itself a very 'different' atmosphere. A few new notes about the city include:

- The city will have a very simplistic style, with clean flat geometry making up much of the structures and the streets.

- This however will not cut down on the visual quality of the city, surfaces will still feature a great level of detail.- The city will be several square kilometres, and many structures will be enterable. This will ensure that travel and combat between the streets, rooftops, and 'other' settings in the city will be quick and easy.
- The city will not be free-roam, but will be quite wide and open. It'll be split up and accessable over several levels to ensure the game doesn't become too resource hungry and is playable on a wide range of gaming machines.

More details to come in the following days, a little busy at the moment and can't post anymore tonight. Cheers ;)


Vector_27 Blog

No-one is viewing my profile but I'm posting this as memory to myself and as some documentation for followers to later read back on as a guide of things to come or a referance to changes made during development of 'The 2010 Project'. Expect the name 'The 2010 Project' to stick with my mod for at least another 5 months, if not longer, and by no respect is the name that replaces it bound to represent the final project as it may simply serve as a placeholder. Just thought that I would now post a few notes about my to give an idea of the style and setting that the gameplay will take place in:

- The mod contains no 'jungle' environments., and is not situated on the Island from Crysis nor does it share any story with the game whatsoever.

- The mod will feature a city environment that will encompass sereral levels at least but by no means will the game be limited to a city setting.

- The hud will be minimalised, if not completely removed, as well as the nanosuit.

- The game wil feature settings and gameplay similar in many fashions to Mirror's Edge, however there will be no Parkour involved.

- The pace of the game will vary, with combat being fast and deadly, while other parts will involve puzzlesolving and be slower paced.

And more to come in the coming days and weeks. Expect very early basic geo level design to be shown off within a 30day timespan. Cheers ;)