Hi, i am Vash (31) from germany and a gamer for already 25 years and started with C64, Amiga and the greatest of them all (subjective opinion, of course): the SNES. My favourite retro games are: Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy VI and VII. Not only for the gameplay but also for their beautiful music! I came here to desura to find indie developers that wish to present their games. I currently started an add-supported youtube channel where i want to help indie game developers to showcase their games in a nice and respectful way. It is not my aim to review games and criticize, just to give well-made games a chance to be presented to the german audience. Contact me anytime if you are interested. Cheers T.

Comment History
Truemas - - 1 comments @ Pixel Ferrets

Hi there Pixel Ferrets!

i also would like to line myself up for a beta invite!



Good karma+2 votes