Indie Developer with lots of ideas and a vision to start up a development studio.

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In the Mood... For Creation!!!

Tristan_Huckabee Blog 1 comment
Hello and Good Evening,

Today and as of late, I have been overwhelmed by inspirations. May it be the study of a octopus' transparent,delicate, yet resilient embryo, a cigarettes smoke dancing a burlesque version of Swan Lake, or the 3D Maneuver Devices of the utterly amazing anime, Attack on Titan. Either way, I find myself engulfed in ideas and, being the only way I know how to vent them, I start new projects for Video Games or for Comics. The only problem is... I can't develop my ideas in simple little worlds with no depth. The scope of my ideas envelope what would take years to fully polish into a believable world.

There is also the knowledge that after a brief inspiration period I will soon have a prolonged inspiration lull. Which is never fun!!! However, I have a hypothesis, if I constantly dose myself with inspirational things then I will never run out of ideas and thus will never hit a lull!!!

Any-who, Enough of my Rants.

The Search Begins...

Tristan_Huckabee Blog
Hello and Good Evening,

My name is Tristan C. Huckabee.
I am currently an Solo Indie-Game Developer.
I have a dream of creating video-games with a team of like-minded individuals.
I also pair that dream with a dream to create a company/studio named...
I am currently searching for members to fill the positions of my team...
ALL of them...
Members will, eventually, receive:
A Team 'Jersey' - Designed by the Team
A cut of the profits
Thier name on any project that they are involved with.
If you read this and would like to learn more or are interested, shoot me an e-mail at

Thank You for Your Time
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