Well Moddb is telling me to make a short description of my self, so this should be fun. For a few years I have been making videos with my old friend just for fun, but a year ago I started to make HD game videos that challenge hundreds of others. I then restarted my Youtube channel 3 and making the best videos my rig can handle.Even though I have very little editing software,(you'll be surprised what you can do in iMovie 06) I still make great videos I also have some experience modding. Not necessarily my passion, or something I do for fun, I have modded Empire at War before but only simple XML mods. Update: Now using After Effects so expect some cool stuff soon!

RSS My Blogs

One of those I forgot about MODDB blogs

Trackmaster Blog

I have not updated this for several months and I apologize. I don't think I am working on IA2 anymore, considering Z already made his own trailer and forgot to send me footage... Anyway If you guys have any game footage you want me to edit in CS4 then I would gladly edit it.

Here is a wallpaper I made a while back.

Closer and Closer

Trackmaster Blog

With the IA coming 2 soon, I have been doing more and more AE work, testing effects, and making sure everything is working right.

If any of you were wondering, I have decided one what music
I am adding into the trailer, though I am always open to suggesions.

And one last, very important thing.

Remember 9/11, and never forget it.

Peace out....

Gone HD

Trackmaster Blog

Hey Mod and Video community!!!

I got some news!

The youtube upload limit is now up to 2 gigs!

I will be uploading the Hi-def version of My old Montage soon.

In other news...

I have completed a Trackmaster Productions title effect for all of my videos, look in the videos and you will see it there.

Look for some more updates next time!

A new blogger has arrived

Trackmaster Blog

Hello everyone who is paying attention to my profile, which is pretty much nobody, :( .

If any one is reading this right now you either have accidentally clicked some guys blog, or you want to see some cool videos I have made, maybe even to get me to do some work for you.

My price is 10 million bucks per video ....

Wait...that's not right.


Just over a month ago I have completed my biggest project I have ever done, and I would say it was pretty successful. I had made a video on EAW for the FX mod, which is a pretty cool mod, and some of the effects I didn't even know was possible. Anyway, It was the very first one I have even done in HD, but I had to compress if for youtube (stupid 1 gig limit.) You can view it here:

Sooo, after I completed that and saw at least 200 people liked I decided to do one thing I have been wanting to do in a while.

I will now be the official trailer guy for the Empire At War mod,
Imperial Assault II.

This my first project that I am doing for someone else besides, well, myself I guess.

Look on there site for updates,

That's it for now folks.