I live in Ontario, Canada I have a PS3 and I enjoy gaming as my hobby

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*quick* OMG update

tiberian288 Blog

So the OMG mod has been released and is public beta anyone can download it make sure to check the moddb profile and www.omgmod.com for more details on all the great things. Its not 100% complete but it is 99% playable (one bug left). things are coming to like a launcher and some other cool things. Check it out!

Operation Market Garden

tiberian288 Blog

So i've been a part of this Mod for along time it's called Operation Market Garden (a.k.a OMG) a mod for Company Of Heroes, I was with the Developers before they even thought about making this mod. it got it's roots from a Mod called EIR and it was dead for sometime thats why OMG was in production. EIR may be resurrected but i'm not sure.

For OMG i'm one of the many alpha testers it's alot of fun to play, you guys will enjoy the launch on January 10th but if you want take a look at their profile here on moddb and see if you can get in the alpha. There website has alot more info on the mod and you probably want to check that out as well so head on over to www.omgmod.com and check it out, see most of you on january 10th!

One more thing all 4 factions (americans, whermacht, panzer elite and british) are 75% playable at this point.