We're Three Moon Studios! We are a small university team making a game. Raider's Race Tournament is available to download from the downloads tab. We're currently looking for feedback on our game.

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Thre3MoonStudio Blog

Hey guys!

Some solid updates have been implemented into the game!
These include but are not limited to:
- Increasing the vehicles speed and acceleration
- Altering the physics for improved crashes
- Altering the handbrake for immediate and drastic response
- Environmental hazards are now more further balanced
- Wall riding ramps are now smoother, sexier and better in every way.

If you like the game or have any feedback feel free to email the team at thre3moonstudio@gmail.com or visit us at our facebook and send us a message!

Dylan La Franchi
Lead Designer

update on the possiblity of a public release

Thre3MoonStudio Blog

The game is coming close to being able to be played. keep an eye out in the next day or so as it may be ready soon. However when it is ready a link to a site we have selected will be ready or if it so happens to be here a link to the page will come be showed.

Michael ( thre3 moon)

Introduction to the people in Thre3 Moon Studio

Thre3MoonStudio Blog

Hello ,

Thought it would be good to give an introduction about the people in this group so that you may be able to know the roles of us here

Dylan : Designer and programer

Willie : Producer, artist and animator

Stuart: lead programmer and troubleshooting

Bruce : programmer , interface implementation

Peter : programmer , in game systems implimentation

Colin : artist , interface designer and 2d artist.


Thre3MoonStudio Blog

Thre3 Moon Studio

We at thre3 moon studios are a new studio from Brisbane Australia that are currently creating a new game called “ Raiders Racers” as a project and as such we will be releasing it as a means of seeing just how our efforts chalk up to gamers. We have made this page to do up dates on the project as well as report on what we will be bringing into it in the near future.

Regards for Now ,

Michael ( level designer Thre3 moon Studio)